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Hi all, I'm on the hunt for aftermarket Halifax bomber extended wingtips. Looks like both companies I have found are out of business (Aeroclub & Alleycat). Any other suggestions?
29 July 2024, 22:58
Alec K
Look like UncleBillsHobby has it marked for sale (you can see on Handley Page Halifax Mk.6/8/9 Wing Tips (Aeroclub V141, 1:72). Or try make your own 🙂

 30 July 2024, 00:00
Dave Аутор
Thanks, I did reach out. We'll see if he replies. Making my own??? Wouldn't know where to start.
 30 July 2024, 02:32
Alec K
Good luck with it. Not sure how complicated the wingtips are, but if there is a will there is a way 😉. And welcome to SCM, hope to see you posting some project pics 👍
 30 July 2024, 10:21
I think you would be surprised how easy it is to make something like this. You just need a sheet of plastic card of a suitable thickness and a few basic modelling tools. You could even use the photo from the Allycat page to get the correct shape.
If you give it a go, I'm happy to offer help.
 30 July 2024, 13:29
Dave Аутор
Thanks you two for your help thus far. I found plans this morning so I'll print them off and rely on them for shape and size.
 30 July 2024, 17:04
Alec K
Nice! Start an album and let's see some pics. We'll be sure to give you all kinds of unsolicited tips and advice 😉 😄 😄
 30 July 2024, 23:14
Dave Аутор
"Unsolicited" being the key word??? 😁
 31 July 2024, 00:59
Alec K
 31 July 2024, 02:52

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