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Another motorcycle....
Figures assembled and painted. The standing MP has optional left and right arms, so several variations possible.
Пројекат: BSA M20 Motorcycle w/Military Police
8 1 September 2024, 14:58

Welcome, Villiers. I'll finish the motorcycle then stat the figures. I also have the Gama Goat driver to work on....
3 September 2024, 19:24

Welcome, Duke, et al. I've painted the engine, wheels and frame parts, and started assemply. Piccies soon....
4 September 2024, 12:39

Many thanks for your 'likes', mates. No progress til next weekend....
5 September 2024, 06:58

Always welcome, Robert. I'm just waiting for someone to ask if I'm going to add any cables and pipes....
5 September 2024, 09:59

Lots of piccies from today's progress. Figures next weekend 😉
7 September 2024, 15:18

(You've forgotten to mention brake lines, Bruce, when enumerating the remaining bits in the comment to the photo #5 😉 )
7 September 2024, 20:11

Micro-spaghetti..... I have started looking for reference photos, so let's see, Robert 😉 Unfortunately, I missed adding a spark plug when there was easier access.... 🙁
7 September 2024, 21:14

Welcome, Guy. I have to decide which unit insignia to allocate the dispatch rider with, but will add the decal for the speedometer as a start. Some paint to improve too....
7 September 2024, 21:17

Welcome, Noel, and thanks for your 'likes', everyone. A little more progress....
22 September 2024, 20:00