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Тема започета од стране Lorraine Lin

Lorraine Lin
додао је нови фотоалбум.
14 29 January, 13:34
Lorraine Lin Аутор
The Golden Snake Sends Blessings and good fortunes.

Wish you all good luck in the Year of the Snake. (Bats symbolize good fortune because they have the same pronunciation in Mandarin). And Please ignore my chubby snake😜
 29 January, 13:38
snake/three are hand painted? great job. happy new year to you too
 29 January, 23:27
Beautiful painting!
 30 January, 06:36
Lorraine Lin Аутор
Thank you mates, yes they are hand painted😜
 30 January, 12:25
 30 January, 12:25
Robert Podkoński
I am always impressed with your skills, Lorraine!
1  2 February, 15:00

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