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Forgotten helicopters Mil Mi-4A 
This Mi-4A was 1963 in the helicopter squadron 31 (HG-31) in operation.
27 23 June 2018, 15:28

Beautiful wreck 👍 The main advantage seems, that clear parts are not needed 🙂
23 June 2018, 16:43

Lovely. The shell looks very shiny for such an old bird. I never saw the original, so I can't judge if it is too much. Model looks stunning!
23 June 2018, 16:53

Thank you.
In Photo 4 you can see the original in the background.
23 June 2018, 17:15

amzaing - you can't tell the difference between model and original! It's easy to overdo weathering and it's very hard to match the look of the original! Congrats for a perfect job
23 June 2018, 18:11

Exquisite job 👍 I have to go to that airfield one day, it's not so far...
23 June 2018, 21:15

A Masterpiece...This is a great ideato present a model like this.
24 June 2018, 04:35

Yes, truly a masterpiece! Picture 4 is great! It looks perfectly real. 👍 👍
24 June 2018, 10:27

Incredible attention to detail 👍 Absolutely convincing dio, Bernhard !
24 June 2018, 17:26

Hard to say which pic is true and witch shows the model... excellent work Bernhard.
24 June 2018, 18:01

Hallo Bernhard, die Mi4 ist sehr schön geworden. Viele Grüße Stefan
24 June 2018, 18:06

Absolutely beautiful job. The interior is amazing, as is your photography 👍
25 June 2018, 21:39

Fantastic job! Picture 5, with the little base, is my favorite.
Toll in Szene gesetzt und fotografiert - das Gesamtpaket überzeugt!
6 September 2018, 09:42

Many Thanks. More pictures here now: ffmc.de/modelle/flugi/bp_mi4/bp_mi4.html
30 October 2018, 22:58

Excellent work and craftsmanship, and a truly good eye for the photo motif 👍👍👍
1 November 2018, 19:16