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19 слике
Me 262 HydraView album, image #15
Пројекат: Me 262 Hydra
1:72 Me262A-2a (HobbyBoss 80248)1:72 German Air Force Ground Crew (Zvezda 6188)1:72 German Headquarters in Winter Uniform (Zvezda 6232)
32 7 July 2021, 17:02
Gary Kitchen
Following. Are you making the Hydra decal or mask or are they aftermarket? Really interesting subject 👍
 15 July 2021, 15:04
Amenofys Аутор
I use white decal paper for laser printer. I usually design the custom decals on illustrator (or fetch them from internet) and print them. Decals shown in my custom Mustangs or J2N gallery are printed in clear paper.
 15 July 2021, 15:12
Gary Kitchen
👍 Mustangs look great too.
 15 July 2021, 19:55
Amenofys Аутор
Thanks, Gary!
 16 July 2021, 06:06
Exciting Me 😎
 16 July 2021, 07:04
David Taylor
 19 July 2021, 19:39
Amenofys Аутор
 20 July 2021, 06:10
Gary Kitchen
 20 July 2021, 06:35
Amenofys Аутор
Work finished with a little vignette. The Hydra officer is no other than Red Skull.
 26 July 2021, 17:04
Gary Kitchen
Fabulous stuff. Great subject, great build. 👍
 27 July 2021, 08:19
Nice idea with the vignette 😎
 27 July 2021, 09:11
Amenofys Аутор
Thank you Gary and Torsten 🙂
 27 July 2021, 12:51
Paul Eden
Great build. I'm also interested in doing some hydra inspired fictional models. The red engine and decal combo is inspired.
 3 August 2024, 09:30
Transall NG
Funny ! 🙂
 3 August 2024, 10:48
Amenofys Аутор
Thanks Paul and Transall 😉
 4 August 2024, 08:50

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