MTB-794, WEM
5 August 2011, 17:51

Hi Tim,
the needle is cold and was used to apply CVA glue to fix the part. That is my main method to apply glue and it works very well! You can clean the needle from dried glue by heating the needle with a lighter.
5 August 2011, 22:00

thx! looking great so far. Love the first and second picture were your removed almost all the pieces from the WEM model 🙂
5 August 2011, 22:01

thanx! Mhh, I did not love to scrap all the parts😉 But the main problem with the kit are the round and flimsy deck details. Could be a result of an old mould. I have bought some Vosper MTBs last year in Telford and their cast is sharp and clean!
5 August 2011, 22:05

Great Work, Christian! You ARE a source of inspiration. Love the quayside you are making.
28 August 2011, 06:35

Hi Aghis, thanx my friend. It is allways a pleasure to share ideas and information. Thats why I like this side! Cheers, Christian
28 August 2011, 11:13

Yesterday I start painting my scale 1:350 HMCS Montgomery. Well the color has to dry before I can start the next painting session. But not a problem, because there is a lot of other modeling stuff that still wait for it?s completion. Not to become stale I go back to my MTB diorama. The house need some attention, also the quayside and a wall I would like to add next to the house. Well I spend most of the modeling day with cutting, sanding and gluing flat styrene. So far it looks nice to me, there is some more work to do so stay tuned. Happy modeling, Christian
3 September 2011, 19:06

I really like your progress, I can't wait for the next photos!
15 September 2011, 19:32

I add a wodden quay side and now I know how to display the boat to get a most dynamic view. The boat cast off the quay while the barge passed the port side of the boat. Cheer, Christian
23 October 2011, 16:46

ooh, love to see the waves of the 2 boats coming together on the water...
24 October 2011, 06:10

Yeah, indeed interesting hydrodynamics! Christian be careful, we are experts in this field... 🙂
24 October 2011, 10:56

Less time for modelmaking but some more progress on my MTB dio. I applied some base color coats on the quay, street, water base etc. The cobblestone road is a self adhesive road from railway accessories. Now it missed some basic paint on the house before I can start the detail painting and weathering.
Happy modeling, Christian
11 December 2011, 13:05

Looks great Christian! Very nice progress. Love the stone effect and the buildings...and just about everything else! 🙂
11 December 2011, 17:05

Now the MTB is finished. After a subtle weathering I add the rigg and fixed the parts in place. Still have some work to do finish the display. Cheers, Christian
18 May 2012, 15:59

Thanx Tim. There is some progress at all my projects during the last weekends. Hope to finish some of them the next time 😉
29 May 2012, 19:10

I have one of these little boats at home . They are so tiny!
And seeing the job you made with this collection of small pieces is really impressive
14 July 2012, 06:03

Luc and Lionel, thanx for your interest and your very kind comment!
15 July 2012, 12:53

Christian B, Your skills and patience always enthral me mate. 👍
I am grateful for the recommendation and the images demonstrating its use.👍
I will buy some today and the results you will most definatly see.
Cheers an thanks again. 👍
22 October 2015, 21:37

Irgendwie habe ich das gar nicht mitbekommen. Toll, was du aus/mit diesen filigranen Bauteilen alles zauberst.
23 October 2015, 05:15

Thx Kerry and Christian L.
I'm really proud of this because it is the first ship diorama in scale 1/350 with a lot of scratch build parts and the first one where all the add on need much more time than to build the ship itself🙂
Glad you like it too🙂 🙂
Cheers, Christian
23 October 2015, 16:46

Christian B, The quality of what you do just sits me on my bum every image you post. 👍
23 October 2015, 19:45

A really beautyful scenery Christian, you definitely know how to bring these microscopic parts to life !
23 October 2015, 19:50

At that time I build the diorama there was not as much L'Arsenal bits and pieces available. So the diorama is missing a little bit of life like sceneries if you compare it to my HMS Belfast diorama. I build some stuff for my own, but I'm not talented to make master patterns and cast in resin. But thank you very much for your kind words it is much appreciated!
Cheers, Christian
24 October 2015, 09:05

Yes I thought about seabirds but did not made it so far🙂
A friend of mine made seabirds from paper for a ship diorama, but I can't remember which one to show some photos.
24 October 2015, 13:26

Fascinating, Christian! Thats all so tiny, how do you tackle that? Let alone my fingers are way to fat for managing those tiny Details... Be honest; do Siganesen work for you?😢
6 November 2015, 08:02

I'll take my hat off to this tiny work... splendid work so far...
6 November 2015, 11:05

Hehe, Holger no no, just brownies. Most at night when I'm asleep so I can post new photos of much more tiny subjects the next day🙂
But thx, Holger and Bart. Glad you like it, I will tell the brownies😉
7 November 2015, 17:01

It's hard not to be enthralled by your work Christian. 🙂
I curse with the small bits I do, but nothing compares to your delicate touch. 👍
Cheers. 🙂
7 November 2015, 21:24

Lionel is lost for words, just like most of us when we see your work Christian. 🙂 👍
10 November 2015, 10:53

Thx mates, these are so much generous compliments. Wish to show some more progress in my current projects, but real work hold me off from the modeling bench.
10 November 2015, 19:11

Looking forward to your eventual return to your bench mate, and we are not going anywhere in the meantime. 🙂 👍
10 November 2015, 23:17
Album info
White Ensigns MTB-794 in progress. Nice kit but I did a lot of extra work. Still in progress (painting and display)