Matchbox Ju188
Photo 1 of 5
2 3 September 2011, 16:20

Put the canopy and the props on for a photo shooting. Starts looking like a Ju188 🙂
4 September 2011, 16:06

Thanks, I used a tripod and a mild tele lens at f/32 aperture.
5 September 2011, 11:13

Yes, great work in bringing out the best of this older more simplistic kit. Always good to see a Matchbox kit well executed.😉
5 March 2014, 17:24

Thank you, guys. Should be ready within the next few weeks. Landing gear is on, resin wheels and small parts painted and ready for final assembly 🙂
5 March 2014, 19:15

Looks great Burkhard, wonderful job you've did with this Matchbox kit 👍
5 March 2014, 20:46
Album info
Started as a hack to test pre-shading and german 'glass-house' canopy masking. OK for the first try but there's room for improvement 🙂
And no, I'll do nothing about the cockpit 🙂