ISAF - Streife
21 February 2012, 18:12

Thanks for the "warm words", Mates, for this five-year old project 😄
I hope that I am now become a little bit "better"😉
15 September 2013, 10:48

Hi Roland,
at first:
Really great work you did here!
The ISAF theme is a never ending story with lot of cool templates for modelling.
Your details are amazing and your look for all those little things is remarkably, like the FT call sign inside the Wolf!
I was pleasant surprised as I determined that you are using Jens Popp Colours. Did you met him once?
15 September 2013, 11:23

Thanks, Mates! That's too much honor for this simple little dio ... 🙂
16 September 2013, 09:32
Album info
Im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbs baute ich 2008 den WOLF in einer offenen Version und in Umtarnfarben. Dazu kam die Figur eines Infanteristen im Flecktarnanzug Steppentarn. Verbaut wurden zusätzlich Reifen aus Resin, die ein Freund für mich gemacht hatte.
As part of a competition, I built the WOLF in an open version and Bundeswehr desert color. Then there was the figure of an infantryman in Steppentarn color pattern camouflage. Tires were installed in resin, which had made a friend for me.
Farben Wolf: JPS-Color
Farben Soldat: Tamiya & Gunze Acryl