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Holger Kranich (Booze)

1´st Annual Scalemates Meeting 2013 Wangerooge

Photo 1 of 37


11 February 2013, 08:03
love the first shot 🙂
 11 February 2013, 08:14
Holger Kranich Аутор
Me too!😢
 11 February 2013, 08:19
Charles Villanueva
Looks like a great time among like minded friends. Cheers
 11 February 2013, 08:25
Frank Krause
Nice shots, Holger! 👍 Actually, I haven't noticed that you've taken photos of us. Hmmm, tooooo busy modelling....!
Now we need a function, that we could add our photos here, too. Tim, your call...😉 !
In the meantime I'll send Holger soe of mine to add them here.
 11 February 2013, 08:54
Arne Greve
Hi guys, some interesting photos. Who is the man with the Visor of Jordi LaForge?
On Pic 2, what kind of glue is the bootle next the red one? I can´t read the word. I only read Flens or so.... ;-D
 11 February 2013, 09:11
Holger Kranich Аутор
Hi Arne! That is a very special frisian glue, it holds the community together😢!
 11 February 2013, 09:22
Steve Wilson
Looks great fun you had, everyone in deep concentration... But there's that blasted glass door again😢
 11 February 2013, 10:15
Holger Kranich Аутор
Oh yes, especially Frank was still in heavy concentration to find all his lost pe´s!
 11 February 2013, 10:41
Thomas Hartwig
Best modelling week I ever had.
Nice hotel, great modelling guys, wonderful plave and a fantastic view on the North Sea!
Two kits finished, one half finished. 🙂
 11 February 2013, 11:11
Frank Krause
@Arne: Make a guess.... I need that to find all the parts, which I dropped under the table. The bottle of glue...? As Holger mentioned..., but we urgently needed that, because we wanted to built a 1:1 binocular. Holger was responsible for the first half....
@Holger: 😄 My wife would be happy, if she would see me on my knees as often as I was on Wangerooge.
@Guido, Steve: Next time you're with us, ok?
 11 February 2013, 11:13
Duncan Cook
Sad that I could'nt be there. 🙁
But at least you had fun 🙂
Maybe the next time.
 11 February 2013, 14:07
Mike Kryza
I'm a little bit jealous.
@Holger - I'm missing some comments to the pics...😢
 11 February 2013, 15:19
Holger Kranich Аутор
Mike, good that you told me that, i add them ASAP!
 11 February 2013, 15:28
Mike Kryza
 11 February 2013, 15:30
Holger Kranich Аутор
Caption is added!
 11 February 2013, 15:53
Mike Kryza
Perfect - thx!
 11 February 2013, 16:01
Holger Kranich Аутор
No probs, Mike!
 11 February 2013, 18:00
Aghis Barberopoulos
Some great shots Holger, is that chopper yours ???
And I see some great models in the making!!! You make me so jealous 🙂
 11 February 2013, 18:36
Roland Roth
Hey ... great event!
But I miss the detail pictures from the IFV Marder 1 A5A1 with Barracuda camo😉
 11 February 2013, 18:36
Holger Kranich Аутор
Hi Aghis, yes The chopper is mine!
Roland, have a look at Panzer-Modell.de in the next days😢!
 11 February 2013, 18:38
Aghis Barberopoulos
We missed the fun from the looks of it... but Holger we need some stats, like what's the tally of models made, beers downed, attendees, cheerleaders present, the full story😉
 11 February 2013, 18:44
Roland Roth
All right, Holger! Thanks for this massage ...
... so Thomas strikes again 😄
 11 February 2013, 18:54
Holger Kranich Аутор
Ok Aghis!
We where very disciplined, so not much beer was consumed!
The participants are: Frank Krause, Thomas Hartwig, Harald Bauske, Ralf Sommer, Christian Meyerhoff and me. Scale was 1:35.
It was a hell of a funny week and I plan to let it happen again, next year!
Btw, you saw the grandpa who was our guide in the bunker? That is Herr Hans Jürgen Jürgens live!!!
 11 February 2013, 18:57
Aghis Barberopoulos
That's great to know Holger! I was wondering who your guide to the bunker was! However it is hard to believe your story about discipline... 🙂
 11 February 2013, 19:08
Holger Kranich Аутор
Hey Aghis, you can ask them all! Our drugs where paint and glue! Yes we had some beer and Lambrusco and rum from Thailand, but only in a medical responsible amount😢!
 11 February 2013, 19:17
Holger Kranich Аутор
Oh, I forgot some "Fußfehler" and more beer...😢
 11 February 2013, 19:18
Aghis Barberopoulos
Is that a pizza and a roll of toilet paper next to your beer ???????????
 11 February 2013, 19:43
Holger Kranich Аутор
Yes Aghis, we made it as comfortable as possible!
 11 February 2013, 19:47
Kim Branders
Thank you for sharing the pics with us. I think I mist al of the fun, maybe next year. Grtz Kim.
 11 February 2013, 19:49
Aghis Barberopoulos
🙂 🙂 hahaha
 11 February 2013, 19:50
Holger Kranich Аутор
Would be great to have you around, Kim!!!
 11 February 2013, 19:56
Hehe nice to see what you boys got up to
 11 February 2013, 20:22
Holger Kranich Аутор
Augie, we had a great time! Think about it for The next year😢!
 11 February 2013, 21:30
Holger Kranich Аутор
Its always good to have some armor modelers who like it rusty!😢
You know, rust in peace!😢
 11 February 2013, 21:32
hehe cheeky
 11 February 2013, 21:48
Holger Kranich Аутор
That sounds cool, Mike! Guns and Roses was my first fave and made my way to Metal! Take me down to the Paradise City...😢
 12 February 2013, 07:27
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
It gives me pleasure to see that you had so much fun! 🙂
You all did wonderfull modeling work.
 12 February 2013, 13:58
uncle chop chop
looks funn as man i wanna live some where like that were theres modleing community i cant wait to leve this contry, awsome u like metal holger,
 14 February 2013, 21:26
Holger Kranich Аутор
You like metal, too?
 14 February 2013, 21:33
neil kerr
nah Markus only likes green
 14 February 2013, 21:34
Holger Kranich Аутор
 14 February 2013, 21:38
neil kerr
chop chop never put your own country down mate
 14 February 2013, 21:38
uncle chop chop
yea mate love metal
 14 February 2013, 21:39
Holger Kranich Аутор
Hey choppy, Australia is cool! Nice people, nice weather but Fosters would be a good reason to immigrate back to Germany!😢😢😢
 14 February 2013, 21:44
Holger Kranich Аутор
And metal is absolute cool! What bands do you favorize?
 14 February 2013, 21:45
neil kerr
too right, but mosrt English beers are the reason I go to Germany
 14 February 2013, 21:46
uncle chop chop
i cant read gurman whats that sign say and what is that place?
 14 February 2013, 21:46
neil kerr
mettalica,panterra,clutch black sabbath,pink floyd.led zeppelin, and me punk clash s*x pistols etc
 14 February 2013, 21:50
Holger Kranich Аутор
Neil, I understand you very much!
Choppy, what exactly do you mean?
 14 February 2013, 21:51
uncle chop chop
Sorry i mean GERMAN, theres a place u went it looks underground, theres a photo of sum sign on a wall i cant read it.
 14 February 2013, 23:17
uncle chop chop
i like death, black and horror metal like MAYHAM, MORTICIAN, CANNABLE CORPS, DMELICH, NAIL SHITTER, CARPATHIAN FOREST, ALIAN INTESTINAL REFLUX stuff like that but still like heavy metal, SIX FEET DEEP, SLIPKNOT, METALICA, PANTERA, SLAYER u know and of cores the roots of it all like IRON MADDEN, LED ZEPPELIN, JIMMY HENDRIX ect.
 14 February 2013, 23:25
Holger Kranich Аутор
Black and Death! So we have The same extraordinary Taste! Im actually listen to: Hammer smashed face!😢😢😢
 14 February 2013, 23:30
neil kerr
nail shitter man what a cool name how about cancer bats and strapping young lad?
 14 February 2013, 23:31
Holger Kranich Аутор
My favorite band is Megadeth, but death, corpse or at the gates carcass or dissection are grateful to me!
 14 February 2013, 23:33
neil kerr
or opeth,cathedral,elctric wizzard?
 14 February 2013, 23:34
Holger Kranich Аутор
SLAYER! Reighn in blood!!!
 14 February 2013, 23:35
neil kerr
get in there Holger
 14 February 2013, 23:35
neil kerr
a nice refrain from models that was
 14 February 2013, 23:36
uncle chop chop
awsome holger ur on my level outstanding
 14 February 2013, 23:41
uncle chop chop
neil have u hear of HUMMAN MINCER or DEVOURMENT??
 14 February 2013, 23:42
uncle chop chop
HOLGER ur the man hammer smashed face is my fav and butcherd at birth
 14 February 2013, 23:43
neil kerr
megadeth sweet seen them 3 times booking tickets 9am tomorrow to see them again at Manchester
 14 February 2013, 23:45
Holger Kranich Аутор
Opeth is more than outstanding!

You guys are great!
Extreme metal is what I need!
Do you know malevolent creation's album called "Eternal"?
 14 February 2013, 23:45
neil kerr
nope r they really manic?
 14 February 2013, 23:45
uncle chop chop
i do
 14 February 2013, 23:46
Holger Kranich Аутор
Youtube Video
 14 February 2013, 23:47
uncle chop chop
what about WHITE CHAPPLE when they were good and NALPAM DEATH or DEATH spirit srusher
 14 February 2013, 23:49
Holger Kranich Аутор
Here is something modeling related:Youtube Video
 14 February 2013, 23:49
neil kerr
Youtube Video
check this band pretty tame for them but good video most bass driven band in the world les claypool bass god
 14 February 2013, 23:51
uncle chop chop
bye the way i got new pics up
 14 February 2013, 23:51
Holger Kranich Аутор
Whitechapel, napalm death grindcore is cool!!
Neil, choppy, I understand you so much!!!!!!
 14 February 2013, 23:55
Holger Kranich Аутор
Primus are a bit like Sadus!
 14 February 2013, 23:57
neil kerr
Youtube Video
primus at there best
 14 February 2013, 23:59
Holger Kranich Аутор
Not so hard, but cool as hell: Youtube Video
 15 February 2013, 00:00
neil kerr
i am 52 holger i can only go so hard lol
 15 February 2013, 00:03
Holger Kranich Аутор
Youtube Video
Love this one too !
 15 February 2013, 00:06
Holger Kranich Аутор
Really Neil?
 15 February 2013, 00:07
Holger Kranich Аутор
Dismember is a hymn for me!
 15 February 2013, 00:10
neil kerr
i am back in Germany in may what is your location from nurburg?
 15 February 2013, 00:12
neil kerr
ps your links do not work pls post the youtube direct link
 15 February 2013, 00:14
Frank Krause
Hi uncle,
the sign you're asking for, is a fact a warning in a bunker entrance. We visited one of the bunkers left on Wangerooge. I'll try to translate:
Fortress area
Entering, drawings and taking photos of the area is prohibited. Violation will be punished as betrayal of military secrets as per §12 of imperial law dated June 14th, 1914
The minister of defense
The garrison commander
 15 February 2013, 07:17
uncle chop chop
haha realy, from WW2 or somthing? such an historical era.
 15 February 2013, 09:04
Frank Krause
Actually from WWI, but still used in WWII.
 15 February 2013, 11:22
Mike Pullen
The island would have been used for both coastal and anti aircraft defence in WWII i guess.
 15 February 2013, 13:08
Frank Krause
Right, Mike! But mostly air defense. Coastal defense was planned. We saw pictures of a huge gun (about 30cm diameter) transported in the area in 1944/45, but that never installed.
 15 February 2013, 14:44
Holger Kranich Аутор
The 30,5cm went to Helgoland After Short time of Service on Wangerooge!
 15 February 2013, 23:58
Holger Kranich Аутор
I have pix from Mr. Jürgens who depict that!
 16 February 2013, 00:06
Marco Santos
Awesome job!
 16 February 2013, 01:00
Mike Pullen
Theres a pic on wikipedia too of one gun in open mounting = [img1]
 16 February 2013, 08:31
Mike Pullen
Page link = en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30.5_cm_SK_L/50_gun
 16 February 2013, 08:34
Roland Roth
A little nice report from the meeting 😄
 17 February 2013, 09:20
Frank Krause
Yeah, Thomas perfectly describes that week...! 👍 Thanks for the link, Roland! Next time together with you?
 17 February 2013, 09:28
nice report!
 17 February 2013, 10:04
Roland Roth
Oh mei, Frank ... 800km einfach bis zum Nordseestrand? Schön wär's schon ... kann ich aber jetzt noch nicht sagen ...
 17 February 2013, 11:30
Holger Kranich Аутор
Ja der Bericht beschreibt bis ins kleinste Detail die Woche auf der Insel! An dieser Stelle noch einmal meinen Dank an alle die mitgemacht haben, es war einfach herrlich!
 17 February 2013, 18:11
Thomas Hartwig
ich könnt schon wieder. 😉
 17 February 2013, 21:10
Holger Kranich Аутор
Ja, ich auch!
Soll ich mal schauen on ich in nächste Zeit den Raum nochmal bekomme?😢
 17 February 2013, 21:32
Holger Kranich Аутор
Btw, mike: thanks for the link!!!
 17 February 2013, 21:47
Mike Pullen
I didn't realise til after that it was a WWI gun emplacement, interesting all the same.
 17 February 2013, 21:51
Holger Kranich Аутор
Oh yes, it is! I hope that someday I'm a lucky guy and can find an empty cartridge of it! The boyfriend of an colleague has found one and displayed it in his livingroom. I'm really jealous!!!😢
 17 February 2013, 22:19
Thomas Hartwig
@Holger: hehe von MIR aus gern. Aber ich glaube das kriege ich weder bei Harald noch bei meiner Frau durch. 🙁
 18 February 2013, 10:01
Holger Kranich Аутор
... Man hat ja auch nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Urlaubstagen...
 18 February 2013, 10:03
Frank Krause
Die Zeit, die Zeit... 🙁 Na ja, einmal im Jahr... Dann kann man mehr Vorfreude auf das nächste Mal aufbauen. Also, ich fände Wangerooge für den nächsten Termin wieder ok. Ich könnte mir derzeit keinen besseren Austragungsort vorstellen....
 18 February 2013, 11:08
Holger Kranich Аутор
Also ich täte mich freuen, Euch hier wieder begrüßen zu dürfen!
 18 February 2013, 12:10
Duncan Cook
Dieses mal solls klappen und wenn cih von Hamburg aus Zu euch Rudern muss.
 18 February 2013, 12:30
Holger Kranich Аутор
Das hört sich doch gut an, Cookie! Notfalls kannste auch fliegen😉!
 18 February 2013, 12:32
Duncan Cook
Aber nicht weit, es kommt darauf an wie weit man mich werfen kann.
 18 February 2013, 13:48
Holger Kranich Аутор
😛 HAha!
 18 February 2013, 13:51
Holger Kranich Аутор
When I see this now and the 5 years jubilee is in Front of us, im glad that so many people love this happening!
Thank you all for beeing a part of it!
And Tim, please take your time and come, and when it's only for a day.. it's your Name and you are reason why we all meet ever year. It would be a pleasure...🙂
 9 June 2016, 11:04
Frank Krause
Yepp, Holger! That would be the cream on the cake, if Tim would come over (Pushing, pushing, pushing!😉😉😉 )
 9 June 2016, 13:44
Holger Kranich Аутор
Push Push Push; )
 11 June 2016, 16:17
Mike Kryza
Holgi our pusherman! 🙂
 12 June 2016, 07:48

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