Harbin Z-5 Vietnamese AF
Photo 1 of 33
1 14 February 2013, 10:57

Looks great so far! Have to build it one day too 😉 How is the fit?
14 February 2013, 11:27

Thxs mate, As for the fit it went better that what i was prepared. Have some issues here and there but not that big. If i would make a secong i'll choose the HB one😉
14 February 2013, 11:37

Some great additions you've added. Hope to see a Mi-4 to be released in 1/48th scale someday.
14 February 2013, 15:05

Thank you my friend. the heli is ready for priming ... more update soon😉
25 February 2013, 16:04

The heli is almos finished ... some more wash .. and the final varnish. 🙂
10 April 2013, 13:34

..and.. the project is finished. cleaning the bench for the next projext😉
12 April 2013, 10:40
Album info
A build for the Group Build : Back to Vietman on modelclub.gr.