Horten H-IX
Photo 1 of 8
15 September 2013, 11:48

Moin Gerald! Der "Rest" ist auch noch da, die Tragflächen waren aber an der Originalmaschine nie montiert. guckst Du hier:
15 September 2013, 12:12

Die in USA eingelagerten Tragflächen waren von den Amerikanern an der Maschine montiert worden. Aufgrund auf Fotos vermeintlich zu sehenden "Spaltmaßen" scheint man sich aber nicht sicher ob aufgrund der schlechten Passung damals an dieses Rumpfmittelstück evtl. die Flächen eines anderen Prototypen montiert waren.
Info stammt von einem Post auf Facebook. Soviel zur "Gerüchteküche" 😉
15 September 2013, 12:45

Wäre auch meine erste Frage gewesen, wo die Flügel abgeblieben sind! 😄
Aber dann das "Innenleben" nachzubauen, ist auch eine besondere Herausforderung ... die du, Christian, toll gelöst hast! 👍
15 September 2013, 12:55

I keep forgetting how old this kit is!
But, it is a fine engineered kit, isn`t it?
I like this aircraft, his technology and his famous aerodynamic features.
Having this kit in stash it is waiting for building, achieving a model like you did here.
You skills, 20 years ago was fantastic. At this stage I did things only half as good as you did.
Thx for sharing this nice oldie!
15 September 2013, 13:05

Some links for the surviving Horten IX V3 at the NASM:
15 September 2013, 14:25

Regarding the wings - I've read that it's not clear if the wings in the NASM collection actually belong to the specific fuselage. They may be from another aircraft. This may explain the poor fit.
15 September 2013, 14:29

And yet again a build that makes me think of quitting! Beautiful work!
15 September 2013, 15:17

Thx a lot for looking! Will post the missing parts as soon as possible.
Have the Night Figther in Stash as well. See you all! 🙂
15 September 2013, 18:58

@Dirk: You are lucky to have this one in stash. This was , like all old Dragon Kits not the easyest one, but worth to be build. Pass the decals to the trash can, they are junk.
15 September 2013, 19:06

@ Xenia: Quitting what? Modelling? ZZZ... You are kidding, aint`t you? 🙂
15 September 2013, 19:27

EXCELLENT JOB!! 20 Years?! This quality?! I will happily join Xenia in quitting!! 😉
15 September 2013, 20:31

Excellent jobs are never out of fashion. Nobody would say that it was made almost 20 years ago!
2 February 2014, 23:28

Very unusually different!!!
I like it very much, very nicely done, excellent👍
3 February 2014, 07:40
Album info
Build this one about 20 years ago, but never made some pics.