B17-F "Birmingham Blitzkrieg"
1 25 October 2013, 11:27

Ich auch... 🙂, passt soweit aber besser als die B-17F von Academy
25 October 2013, 12:01

Robert Espenschied to look at, yes... to paint it, I'm not so sure
as you know - talk the talk and walk the walk... I'm curious how far I will actually walk
25 October 2013, 14:39

Fuselage is done... red, white and blue nice song from Lynyrd Skynyrd
but it's more like red, white and green...
5 November 2013, 19:24

@ Barry, it's not as hard as you would think ,if you start in the right order (which I didn't). But yes challenging is a good word to use 🙂
4 December 2013, 21:09

Robert - It looks like you used red as the base coat rather than white, is that what you mean by wrong order?
5 December 2013, 06:44
Album info
Die B17-F "Birmingham Blitzkrieg" wird eine Erg?nzung zu unserem Projekt "Assembly Ships"
The B17-F "Birmingham Blitzkrieg" will be an addition to our project "assembly ships"