Modern Fighter Aircraft Groupbuild.
4 23 April 2014, 14:15

One of the most beautiful fighters in my opinion! This is the trumpeter one, isnt it?
23 April 2014, 14:26

Affirm Holger, 1/72 Trumpeter and it's a 2 seater too, which is looking even better than the single seater imho.
23 April 2014, 14:38

The project is almost over, lack of in progress shots were due to the camera being on trip and the cell phone shots are crappy as you can see.
Currently the mlg are getting aligned with the lego jig i made, once they are set for good i'll install a pair of Archer's underneath the wings and call her done - hopefully the camera will be back then so i can take better pictures.
1 May 2014, 15:24

Bernhard, Es-haq, Christian, Christian, John and Andre, thank you very much guys! Honestly i'm a bit surprised with the reaction this kit is getting - i suppose it's got to do with the colors...
29 May 2014, 18:31

Really nice. Yes, that camo scheme stands out but it is very well made, painted and weathered. The black overspray on the right fuselage, below the cockpit - is that supposed to be covering over old markings? If so, another nice detail to make the model stand out. Looks great and congratulations! 👍 👍
30 June 2014, 06:57
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Гроуп Буилд

Modern Fighter Aircraft Groupbuild.
1. Април до 30. Септембар 2014
1. Април до 30. Септембар 2014