Revell Martlet
4 22 May 2014, 18:08

Thank you. It's not the "quick build" I hoped for as the modeling is having to fit around a busy life at the moment. Seat belts next.
5 February 2015, 00:08

Nice work Garteh! Count me in for the rest 🙂
Do gonna build a Martlet or a F4F?
29 April 2015, 17:11

I had read in a review that the wings had some "fit issues". The review was not wrong. The folding wing initially seems pretty cool, bit the wings do not mate properly. This could be fixed with a lot of work, but I am going to have the wings spread to paint then set them in the folded position. It will fit on the shelf better too.
14 May 2015, 21:29

I have read the Trumpeter Wildcat suffers from the same wing fold problem.
14 May 2015, 23:22

Time to start painting this thing. We'll see if you can polish a turd.
18 October 2015, 19:05

s went into storage as I move to Canada and we decide which side of the pond we wish to live permanently on. I had hoped to finish it before I left the UK but it didn't happen. Where ever we move to I just want a space for building models rather than on a tray.
8 February 2016, 19:29

Looking good. I am going to build the Hobby Boss 1/48 version soon. I recently read Erik 'Winkle' Browns biography and this was his first love. Recommended.
25 July 2017, 10:52

Holger, I bought the seatbelt set some time ago (I started this model some time ago). It's an Eduard set. I'm hoping that now all my things have arrived here in Canada and I'm in our own place, I can get back to the models again and finish this.
And yes, Erik Winkle Brown was quite the man, sad day for the Fleet Air Arm when he passed. I also have a 1/48 Hobby Boss in my stash along with too many (according to the wife) FAA models.
25 July 2017, 12:43

Excellent build. I do like these fabric type seat harnesses but I personally just cannot get them to work for me. I have wasted a lot of money on these and every time they have ened up in the bin and some delegated to the spares box....
25 July 2017, 13:18

These were actually PE. Bent in place with a toothpick and superglued down. I've made belts before using masking tape and coloured pencil for the stitching.
25 July 2017, 14:05

Little extra detail as I had a moment today to play. Hydraulic line and cable for the wing fold and areals made. It's getting there.
12 September 2017, 15:29

Thanks Clifford. These old cheap kits are great for playing with. For me I feel like the pressure to get it perfect isn't there as with expensive kits. Still very much learning new techniques and trying to get the old ones right.
14 September 2017, 20:39

I have learned to do wonders with the older cheap kits, especially re-scribing. The new wonder kits are out of my price range. LOL.
17 September 2017, 01:21

I'm going to practice rescribing on an old 1:32 Revell F-4E phantom I picked up for C$25. All I need is some where to do it (need to build a bench) and that other stuff I haven't got enough of ........time.
17 September 2017, 20:13

Exceptional attention to the finest detail Gareth. 🙂
I do like the dry brushing of the chains and pulleys on the fire wall.👍
The seat belts are a treat to see. 🙂
Overall, a wonderful result mate. THEN.................there is the motor. !!!!.
Salute. 🙂
17 September 2017, 21:18

I have 2 of the Revell 1/32 F-4Gs one will be a G the other an E. I bought the Tamiya F-4 detail sets by Eduard for them.
19 September 2017, 01:12

Thank you Kerry, very kind words. I'm trying harder with the models inspired by modellers like yourself on here.
Clifford, good luck with fitting of the Tamiya details in the Revell kit. I've been there and done that with my 1:32 F-14 and it'll test your skills. Shame I didn't know sooner, I would have recommended this set for the F-4E. It's for Revell kits.
19 September 2017, 18:22

Matt varnish on and windows untapped. Just the prop to finish her. One of the decals is damaged, so there might be a little "battle damage repair" going on.
21 September 2017, 15:09

Thanks Timothy.
Well the prop is done. Once again lots learned as I built this one. It's a £14 Revell kit from an original 1960's mould, so I wasn't expecting great things but quite happy with it. There are bits I rushed and wish I hadn't. The raised detail did not make it easy to fill and rub down the joins and maybe taking a little time to sort some of the poorly fitting parts would have paid off. But, all said and done she pretty!
28 September 2017, 16:22

Nice one Gareth. That final black and white image looks the business. Amazing what you can do with a cheap kit.
28 September 2017, 16:38

Thank you Mike. Lovely complement coming from a man with your talent (love your Walfish).
28 September 2017, 19:56

Cheers Gareth. Yes, that Walfish was a great little kit. Such an unusual aircraft. I do like your 'chipping' effect on the prop and cowling - very convincing. I have the Hobby Boss 1/48 'Martlet' lined up on the bench. This little plane made quite a difference for the FAA at the start of WW2. Looking forward to it. Now, folded or open ?
28 September 2017, 21:33

I like folded as it makes for a more interesting subject (if you don't have a shelf of naval aircraft already in the folded position). The fold motors were removed early on to reduce weight so an aircraft could be seen with one wing folded and one in flying position, especially during maintenance.
28 September 2017, 21:45

She looks convincingly "War weary" for sure. 👍
I really had to look hard to make sure I was looking at a model.🙂
Astounding work Gareth, especially the 'sealant' on the front windshield frame. 👍
Cheers and SALUTE.
29 September 2017, 20:51

Thank you Clifford. Just looked back and you were the first to comment back in May 2014. She sat in a box for quite a while with my move to Canada. I think my next project will be a bench to build (finish) my next model. My stash has become a little too big for the speed at which I'm not making them.
29 September 2017, 20:53

Awesome, mate. Brilliant result! That b/w picture is very convincing!
30 September 2017, 10:06

I some how missed your last comment Kerry. Thanks. Once again modellers like yourself are inspiring and help me up my game. I can hardly believe the improvements in my own work since joining this website.
2 October 2017, 11:53

Gareth. The same applied to me too mate. The information and support one can obtain being part of SM is awesome. 👍
I know, like you, all my modelling has become more worth while as it is out in the world stage now, and that has got to make us a tad more attentive to what we see, and, Do. hehehehe
Thank you too for your comment mate. 👍
Kez. 🙂
2 October 2017, 12:05

Couldn't agree more Kerry and Gareth. You see/learn something new pretty much every day. And then you can get the nitty gritty as well from the masters themselves!! Most places charge for that sort of access.
2 October 2017, 20:08

I have managed to drop this model as well as all the other models in the large box I had put them in for the big house move last week. All seems repairable thankfully. On a bright note I watched a great model making video on YouTube about taking photos. I down loaded Snapseed and quite happy with what you can do just on your smart phone.
1 October 2018, 22:33
Album info
Larger scale basic model kit. This was supposed to be a "quick build" . It's been on the shelf a little while. I will experiment with some weathering techniques I have seen in books and internet.