Holliday near the border
Photo 1 of 2
15 August 2014, 16:08

I´ll put all in this Album. I take photos in the Museé Decembre ´44 in La Gleize/Belgium.
1 September 2014, 09:19

Du wirst es kaum glauben, aber auf meinem Smartphone war es richtig rum.
1 September 2014, 13:13
Album info
Hi mates, i'am in holliday in the Eifel. We are in a holliday village in the town called Prüm. It is near Belgium and Luxemburg. This part of the landscape is a historic one. Villages and cities have famous names. Losheimer Graben (Losheimer Gap) on German side, Sankt Vith, Malmedy, Bastogne and Poteau on belgium side or Clerveaux in Luxemburg are all names which are famous in the Ardennenoffensive (Battle of the bulge). Parts of the Westwall are still herein near Prüm. I hope, I can visit them again.