M.A.S. 568
Photo 1 of 40
55 23 March 2015, 17:43

Sieht klasse aus! Die Abnutzungen auf dem Holzdeck gefallen mir besonders!
23 March 2015, 18:47

Schöner Start ! Eins meiner Lieblingsschnellboote, super Effekt mit dem Holzdeck !
23 March 2015, 22:35

Thank you mates. @Christian: Ich habe erstmals die Haarspray-Methode angewandt. Mit dem Ergebnis bin ich bei den grau lackierten Bereichen sehr zufrieden. Nicht ganz glücklich bin ich dagegen mit der rot-weißen Fliegermarkierung. Aber es muss ja noch ein Weathering gemacht werden. Dann wird's schon werden.
23 March 2015, 22:36

Es wäre wahrscheinlich besser gewesen unter den Fliegermarkierunge auch grau zu lackieren. Aber mit etwas neutral wash sollte der helle Holzton abzutönen sein.
24 March 2015, 18:41

Gute Idee Christian. Und danke euch beiden für die Komplimente.
25 March 2015, 20:44

Here is a short update what happened with Italeris M.A.S 568.
7 July 2015, 20:45

Danke Christian, aber ein begnadeter Figurenmaler bin ich nun wirklich nicht.
8 July 2015, 10:41

Oh! Oh! Oh. !!! I want to join the Navy now. 🙂
This is just stunning. 🙂 👍
17 October 2015, 06:15

Das ist dir wirklich vut gelungen. Hattest du das letzte Woche in Ried dabei?
17 October 2015, 06:53

Stefan, last month I have seen a real MAS that is stored in the "Room of the Flags" of the "Altare della Patria" in Rome. To touch its hull has been an indescribable emotion. I would have wanted to add the photo here, but I don't think personal photo can be added in the comments. Your MAS, however, it's more beautiful than the real one. You made a real masterpiece.
17 October 2015, 07:00

Hallo Stefan, das ist ein wahres Meisterstück! Die Lackierung ist Spitzenklasse, die Verwitterung genial! LG Christian
17 October 2015, 10:01

Thank you mates for your kind words - they make me happy and a little bit proud.
@Lemmy: Ich habe das Boot erst einen Tag vor Ried fertigstellen können. Hab's mitgenommen und es wurde mit Gold prämiert, was mich sehr gefreut hat. Sind die Aussies gut angekommen?
@Christian Bordina: A real MAS - cool. Please send the photo to my E-Mail-address baseball@aon.at and i will add it to the album.
17 October 2015, 14:33

Herzlichen Glückwunsch dazu. Da hat sich der Aufwand ja wirklich gelohnt. Sind gut angekommen. Habe die Box im Moment bei mir und habe meinen Favoriten schon rausgesucht. Das Buch is ja ne Wucht.
De kit ist vieleicht das back up für das Scalemates meeting im Februar obwohl ich dort vor 2 Jahren mit Eduard auf die Nase gefallen bin
17 October 2015, 15:26

Well Stefan this is a real masterpiece of modelmaking and shows to all of us what is possible to do with an excellent painting and weathering. I much all the fine details in your paintwork like the small scratches and chipping effects. That looks very realistic in that scale and makes it more to come so close to a real one.
One question, I was wondering how they launched their torpedoes. Seems to me they rolled the torpedoes over the side while using the rack amidships. Guess this is an ineffective method to aim the torpedoes?!
Cheers, Christian
18 October 2015, 08:18

Wow what a beauty. Build and weathering look very authentic and convincing ! I did a MAS in 1/72 nd a while ago, but in this scale it is massive . Well deserved gold medal !
18 October 2015, 10:30

Great to see the building log of that beauty! It was a delightful experience to see it in real in Ried last weekend... Congratulations again for that winner!
18 October 2015, 13:41

Erik, Christian, Roberto, Hanno, John and Roland - thank you for your kind and motivating words. I think it was not my last torpedoboat in 1:35.
@Christian: Ich antworte auf Deutsch, weil für technische Angelegenheiten mein Englisch viel zu schlecht ist. Ja, ich habe mich beim Bau des Modells auch gefragt, wie sie die Torpedos abschossen. An der Halterung für die Aale ist je ein Zylinder befestigt. Der schob anscheinend den Torpedo an den Rand der Rampe, der dann im richtigen Moment manuell ausgeklinkt wurde. Zumindest ist das so auf einem Originalfoto in der dem Bausatz beiliegenden Broschüre abgebildet.
18 October 2015, 14:41

Torpedoes were dropped over the side in the general direction of the usually large target at relatively close range (less than 1000 yards). Even so they managed to miss. This was mitigated by using multiple torpedo boats to attack a target.
18 October 2015, 16:11

Thx Stefan and Jan for your explanation. Seems to me this was not the best way to hit a target successfully!? British and German MTB and E-Boats used tubes to shoot the torpedoes with compressed air. For my understanding a much better technique.
18 October 2015, 17:10

There really seems to be a point in having ships in !/35 🙂 - superb show, the detailing and particularly the weathering are truly excellent, I particularly like the wear of the deck 👍 Spectacular!
24 March 2021, 08:37

The Italians always had a flair for fashion, and that carried over to their boats. STUNNING. !!! 👍 🙂
25 March 2021, 00:25

Thank you for the appreciation gentlemen. I am very happy about that and motivates me for further projects.
26 March 2021, 18:06

Hi Stefan, I don't know enough about this subject other than to comment how impressed with this build book I am. I think this looks fantastic and I can appreciate the amount of work involved here 👍
24 September 2021, 21:50

Superb work, Stefan. Builds like these would bring me ideas...
27 September 2021, 15:35

Thank you for your praising and motivating comments mates - that makes me very happy. The torpedo boat is supposed to be the main actor on a diorama, but you know it: you have too many kits and too many ideas and far too little time.
28 September 2021, 11:18
Album info
The project i started nearly a year ago ist finished now: the Motoscafo Armato Silurante (= Motor Torpedo Boat) M.A.S. 568 from Italeri in 1:35. It's a really big model – 55,2 cm long. More pictures you can find here: kitchecker.de/torped..-von-italeri-in-135/