Saab J35Ö Draken "Ostarrichi"
10 August 2015, 16:56

This is one fast build I finished yesterday. Its the former Austrian-Draken with the anniversary-scheme "Ostarrichi" (first paint 1996), as the name of Austria was first mentioned in the year 996. Hope you like it! Cheers, Christian
10 August 2015, 16:59

Thank you guys, it was not easy to paint and the main decal is extra-large 😉
10 August 2015, 17:22

Dein Draken schaut unglaublich gut aus. Da schlägt das patriotische Herz gleich viel höher.
15 August 2015, 06:08

Hello Guido, thank you very much, I am glad that you like it! Fast is approx. two weekends with some evenings in between 😉
24 August 2015, 07:35

Hi Christian, obviously I missed your presentation of this one.
Phantastic job! I love the subtile colour shading.👍
9 October 2015, 08:58