SH-2F Sea Sprite.MyAlbum
Photo 1 of 7
1 12 January 2016, 18:55

wow... you are a fast builder. I can barely manage to finish like two a year... well maybe if I get up from the computer.. LOL
21 January 2016, 02:02

oh yeah ... I see that you had that one under the sleeve, congratulations for you new addition.
21 January 2016, 21:37

Another triumph. The decals look great! 👍 I bet they were challenging! 👍
23 January 2016, 19:23

Thank you George. Yes the decals were a challenge. Thank you Augie, you aren't the only one who can sneak in a stealth build now and then. LOL.
23 January 2016, 21:06
Album info
The old Matchbox 1/48 SH-24