WIP - MiG-31BM
14 April 2016, 14:26

Started today with my MiG-31...some progress attached. The kit fits together great so far!
14 April 2016, 14:31

This is not my scale , but in this kit and the Russian Jet's I will continue to watch . 👍
14 April 2016, 20:25

Thank you mates, I have to say that this is the best engineered Kit I have ever worked on...sometimes I have to think to use glue as well, as the parts fit together like one piece!
15 April 2016, 06:54

Thank you guys! The Main assembling is done, also the paintjob with clear-coat...so far I am happy with the result!
19 April 2016, 12:51

Glad you like it, I am looking forward to decal this monster 😉
19 April 2016, 15:48

Das war klar, dass du der MiG-31 von AMK nicht widerstehen kannst. Sieht schon recht gut aus.
19 April 2016, 17:14

The size of the jet engines compared to the cockpit is amazing. Good start Christian, will follow this🙂
19 April 2016, 17:32

Wow, that is coming along NICELY! I got one of these too, in the stash. Looking forward to building it and seeing yours finished!
22 April 2016, 18:30

Bin gespannt auf den weiteren Fortschritt Christian. Ich konnte die MiG-31 einmal live in LeBourget erleben.
In Bodennähe war sie natürlich nicht so beindruckend wie eine Flanker, aber dafür wurde sie ja schliesslich auch nicht gebaut.
22 April 2016, 18:47

I am in, too! I have the kit, too, and some after market. A lot of this, by the way...
Following this with interest!
22 April 2016, 20:23

Thank you very much all for your motivating words, it is really a nice kit! At this time I am along with the huge amount of stencils...but all I need is the under- and right side!
@Dieter - das Ding muss ja echt riesig sein, ziemlich beeindruckendes Flugzeug (musste zweimal lesen um zu realisieren, dass es sich dabei um einen Abfangjäger und nicht um einen Langstreckenbomber handelt 😉).
23 April 2016, 07:23

Well, it was meant as a long range interceptor with very long range missiles. 😉
23 April 2016, 14:23

After a modelling marathon yesterday, the Beast is almost done...now I have found the (only) weakness of the kit - for me are the gears a weak point. As the model it is really heavy the wheels have to carry a lot of weight, so the front wheel broke of (although I was very carefully).
Seats, exhausts and Weapons are still missing. Cheers, Christian
25 April 2016, 13:58

Christian. Did you ever hear about this story. And after the 'back engineering' by the yanks, the F-15 was designed. 🙂 google.com.au/url?sa..m=bv.120551593,d.dGo
25 April 2016, 23:50

Thank you very much mates, I am also very happy with the build! Kerry, thank you for this link, I guess one MiG-25 also has to be build by me 😉
26 April 2016, 06:44

Christian, I can remember when it happened and the dramas that followed. 👍
I am super impressed with the paint work on your Mig, and just a really sweet result mate.👍 👍
Cheers. 🙂
26 April 2016, 07:13

Thanks again, you make me really happy with your comments!
26 April 2016, 07:23

Christian, I tell the truth mate, and all your builds have got a wonderful amount of attention given to them and they are all a delight to look at. 🙂 👍
26 April 2016, 08:45

That is absolutely stunning Christian! That is a real beauty... All of your builds have been fantastic, but I think this one is your best yet!!!
26 April 2016, 13:01

Please mates, you make me ashamed! I also think its one of my best builds that I ever made...the kit is really great and everything fits together so good!
26 April 2016, 13:11

Nothing to be ashamed of Christian, 🙂 Embarrassed maybe by all our praise, but your most deserving of all we have said mate. 🙂 👍
A great touch. 👍
26 April 2016, 13:39

Wow, !!! Das sieht alles sehr gut aus. 👍 Ich bin schon gespannt auf die "Roll out" Bilder. 🙂
26 April 2016, 15:16