Kawasaki Ki-61 I Hei - FineMoldsПоглед: Слидесхов Мозаик Листа 1June 3, 2016 2June 3, 2016 3June 3, 2016 4June 3, 2016 5June 3, 2016 6June 3, 2016 7June 3, 2016 8June 3, 2016 9June 3, 2016 Коментари 1 3 June 2016, 09:36Soeren R.Nice work! 😉 3 June 2016, 17:43Miro Herold АуторThank you Sören for quick response 😉 3 June 2016, 18:05Soeren R.Always! Even more when its a IJN/IJA plane 😉 3 June 2016, 18:14Bill DavisThat's a good looking "Tony". I like the NMF. 3 June 2016, 18:16Album infoKi-61 belogned to Lt. Mitsuo Oyake. He was the chutaileader (2nd) of the 18th Sentai.JAAF66 слике1:72Завршено5+Сви албумиПрикажи све албуме »