HuAF Mig-21BIS
19 July 2016, 11:54

Count me in! Which marking will you choose from the decalsheet?
19 July 2016, 14:00

Thanks. I'll upload a picture about the original aircraft in a few minutes... The aftermarket decal sheet is for the MF version and I'm building a BIS. Now the difference is that the early MF planes were only coated by clear varnish, but the later BIS versions came from the Soviet Union with a very light "teflon" gray overall paint coat. I'll just need the early Hungarian Air Force "red star" insignia.
20 July 2016, 07:37

Maybe I'm going ahead and paint the plane in the natural metal finish (with different shades of silver) because I never did any model with NMF paint scheme. If somebody argues this finish, then I can state that my model is picturing the state of the plane straight after the industrial overhaul and during it's test flight period. During this time none of the planes got any paint on them... 🙂
20 July 2016, 07:45

Teflon is white (i make it for a living) so why is this coating called Teflon coating? does it contain PTFE? (the generic name for teflon)
20 July 2016, 09:51

Honestly, I don't know. The paint itself has nothing to do with PTFE. That's how they nick named it in Hungary. It is something like the FS 26495 or 26493 color. Satin color. Maybe close to the Light Ghost Gray.
20 July 2016, 10:03

This picture shows the clear lacquer covered Mig-21MF.
I prefer this look...
20 July 2016, 10:11

nice, th eduard Mig-21 fit like a glove, have fun with it, mine is almost ready.
20 July 2016, 10:55

hmmm, I like a natural metal finish too.....can't wait for the final result!
20 July 2016, 11:02

I hope I can manage it for the first time. I'm a bit nervous...
20 July 2016, 11:09

nice progress, a little tip, leave the tailplanes of, makes ik easier for masking the exhaust.
26 July 2016, 11:38

Very nice interior - I did a Polish variant. Enjoy the Pitot Tube work - I lost count on how many times the little barbs fell/got knocked off!!
26 July 2016, 18:09

Don't talk about the pitot, I cahnged mine from the beginning witha brass one, drilled the little bast*** in and zapped him, fel off four or five times already and then it hasn't been 'on the road' yet.
27 July 2016, 11:53

Thanks Rui. I just uploaded the completed pictures. Hope you like it...
23 September 2016, 08:54

Wow, only got to see the finished product now... Excellent work, Roland!
23 September 2016, 22:05

Thanks guys.
I'm no expert in painting NMF as it was my first model with metal finish, but I'm pretty happy with the new Vallejo Metal Color range.
25 September 2016, 12:38