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Richard (Mortifa)


Photo 1 of 33


6 December 2016, 06:59
Rui S
I've completed this one and I agree with you. Your welcome to take a look ( Gniloy-Tikich | Album by mig (1:35) )
Keep on the good efforts Richard
 6 December 2016, 15:39
looking good, i will have a look. I have a couple of panthers to do (not tamiya, a pity).... something to learn here for me 🙂
 6 December 2016, 19:28
Richard Аутор
Thank you. What is that putty I see people use to hold their models on something when they work with that part?
 6 December 2016, 19:44
Not sure what putty you are referring to Richard, but I use Blu-tac to hold small items – it has about a million other modelling uses as well.
 7 December 2016, 16:22
Richard Аутор
Thanks, it looks like putty, but on the youtube videos you can see it either on the end of straws, or on top of bottles with an item being painted attached.
 7 December 2016, 16:56
Rui S
Richard, I found some art plates on my biblio. about some Ausf A from Großdeutschland.
I'm going to upload them in my MT4 album.


Hope you enjoy them. 😎
 8 December 2016, 00:21
Richard Аутор
Thanks Rui, you gave me some great information and I learned a lot from this, next time I am painting the road wheels all black and then painting hubs. But that is how I did it before, learned something which makes the day worthwhile.
 8 December 2016, 07:06
Rui S
Hi Richard,
We all learn something here.
I´ve seen from photo evidence that the inner road wheels in contact with the tracks get completely shine metal colour. I have that photo evidence.
Keep on the good work 🙂
 8 December 2016, 11:18
Richard Аутор
Hi Rui, how did you get that texture on the gun mantle? My PzKpw V does not have it, did yours or did you do that yourself? Looks really good though.
 8 December 2016, 17:09
Rui S
Hi Richard,
Thx mate.
That texture was obtained because I didn't dilute the paints very much when I use my airbrush.
 8 December 2016, 18:04
Richard Аутор
Thanks, it looks good.
 8 December 2016, 20:31
Richard Аутор
So I made a mistake with the gun and taking it off I decided to try something with the mantel, thanks to Rui S who showed me a method of making foundry marks.
 14 December 2016, 20:15
Richard Аутор
So what I did was strip the mantel down then used Golden Gel Medium to create the foundry marks.
 14 December 2016, 20:16
Richard Аутор
Did some clean up, also am trying a new way to wash using transparent paint, reduced by about 4/1. Then went over that with the colour at a 4/7 mixture and very lightly and tried some dry brush.
 19 December 2016, 06:30
Richard Аутор
Anyone got tips on how to make the wood look like it has been used, the new shovel look just does not sit well with me.
 29 December 2016, 06:54
Richard Аутор
And the fuel can, which will have a white cross on it, will be on the commanders side, if I were carrying water on my tank I would not want to walk all the way across the freaking thing for a drink.
 29 December 2016, 06:58
Rui S
Hi Richard,
Some mates use for the wood effect an acrylic tan/light brown colour and when dry some passes of a darker burnt sienna/raw umber, oil paint.
As too the water, for a drink they would have individual water canteens inside .😉
 29 December 2016, 13:30
Richard Аутор
Yea, I know they have their canteens, but of all the diorama's I have seen with equipment on the tanks I have never seen any where there is extra water for the crew.
 29 December 2016, 17:22
Rui S
You mean Panther dios?
 29 December 2016, 17:26
Richard Аутор
No, all of the dio's I have seen, lot's of gear, but no water. Still going to be tank 224 from the museum, but I am dressing it up a tad.
 29 December 2016, 18:37
Rui S
You should look better, mate. Most of African German veihicles dios, have that.
 29 December 2016, 19:02
Richard Аутор
Thanks, thought I saw one or two on some video footage. Considering how important water is.
 29 December 2016, 20:57
Rui S
If you look into real WW II photos, then you will also see that in many occasion even in several theatres of war 🙂
 29 December 2016, 21:00
Richard Аутор
I thought I had seen them on some early war movie reels, but I was unaware of the white cross on German fuel cans to mark them. Now I know I have seen them just thought they were an insignia.

The model would be done as far as 224 is concerned, the RC museum display Panther, but I am adding a bit more just to dress it up. Been a great learning experience and thanks for all the help.
 30 December 2016, 06:18
Rui S
One thing I would say, when you use the kit fenders. Not to forget to sand them down from the inside to thin them near the visible borders. Normally they are way too thick a Dremel tool helps here😉
 30 December 2016, 12:38
Richard Аутор
<img"[img1]" />
 3 January 2017, 08:45

Album info

My first AFV in a long time, very long.

33 слике
У раду
1:35 Panzerkampfwagen V Panther (Tamiya MM165)1:35 Jerry Cans Set (Tamiya MM126)
Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. A
3R Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)

World War 2
RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL6003 Olive Green RAL8017 Red Brown

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