Grumman TF-9J Cougar
12 17 December 2016, 22:06

Ad first sight is seams that the kit is "fine" but it has its pitfalls. For example the fuselage consists of 8 (8!!!) parts not counting the outer (foldable) wings. It took several hours to fix the lost panel lines after the an orgie of filling and sanding...
26 December 2016, 21:06

I'm ready to enrol for a new lesson in 'Bernhards school of modelling'.
27 December 2016, 16:12

A ich seh schon das wird mal wieder ein echter Schrock! Bin schon sehr gespannt wies weiter geht!
28 December 2016, 11:16

Painting nearly completed minus tail leading edges in "coroguard". I'm not too happy with the separation lines between orange and white on the wings... Maybe I mixed orange too matte 🙁
Walk ways:
After masking I airbrushed a thick coat (really thick) with unthinned paint (Humbrol) with very low pressure (0,7 bar). Approx. 5 min later I pressed 1500 micro mesh into the still wet paint and produced an uneven surface. This looks in my opinion very similar to the anti skid areas.
3 January 2017, 21:24

After one week of "hard work" 🙂 I'm nearly ready with the decaling. The Furball - decals are well printed, especially the white is very bright. But on the wings the national insignia (stars) should be applied over the border between orange and white. You can probably guess next problem: the orange colour was faintly visible through the white star. Fortunately the huge decal sheet offers full markings for two models so I could use spare parts of stars to patch up the problem (picture 23).
12 January 2017, 21:10

This is looking outstanding! That is some really awesome, crisp paintwork there. Love it!
12 January 2017, 21:12

It was an curios project: it consisted to 1/3 of sanding & restoring of panel lines, to 1/3 of airbrushing and only to 1/3 of the normal staff🙂
22 January 2017, 15:56

Ja wat is nu denn? Ich habe ja garnicht mitbekommen das man hier schon wieder fertig ist! Sieht klasse aus und die Farben strahlen sehr schön!
22 January 2017, 16:14

Hallo Bernhard, very nice model, hope to see it on the Euro Model Expo. Cheers Stefan
22 January 2017, 20:01

Thank you mates! I'm very glad that you like the orange cat! By the way: the white is not a 100% white but in reality a very light gray. And my international orange consists in reality a little bit of fluorescent orange (H209) because I was so enthusiastic to see the result on my Hellcat drone. Despite of 6 several fluids (incl. the Tamiya decal adhesive fluid) I had very big trouble to avoid silvering: it took one whole week just applying the decals.
Stefan: the Cougar will go to Lingen. By the way: Hanno and I will take both Hallcat-Drones to Lingen.
22 January 2017, 20:08