Bf109E-3 Legión Cóndor
Photo 1 of 31
1 1 February 2017, 19:16

well done! ... you should change the "teaser" picture to show the finished model - don't hide it!
3 February 2017, 19:09

Thanks for your words, mates.
Thomas, sorry but I don't understand you.
You want more pictures of the step by step process or you want I order the pictures to show the finished model on the album cover?
4 February 2017, 10:21

If you 'edit' your album, it gives you the option to change the 'teaser' photo – the photo that is displayed on the news feed page. Thomas is saying (and I agree) that people are more likely to view your album if they can see what a good job you have made of the finished model. Hope this helps Luis.
4 February 2017, 10:39

Success! Great build - do you plan to do more Legion Condor planes?
4 February 2017, 13:53

Thanks Thomas. Yes, I still have the Heinkel He51B-1 of the Hasegawa "Legion Condor" double kit box.
4 February 2017, 15:29