Jgdpanzer IVПоглед: Слидесхов Мозаик Листа 1May 10, 2017 2May 10, 2017 3May 10, 2017 4May 10, 2017 5June 26, 2017 Коментари10 May 2017, 06:26Bart Goesaertnicely build and weathered 10 May 2017, 10:43Spanjaardexcellent, specially considering it is 1:72, i really thought it was 1/35. enhorabuena! 10 May 2017, 17:52Vittorio GentiliI like it! 6 June 2017, 07:03Gerald👍 6 June 2017, 07:21Jay Mountain GoatPiece of history I knew nothing about. Interesting! 6 June 2017, 07:56Es-haq KhosraviGreat job! 6 June 2017, 11:00Hister Farjas АуторThank you all, good to know your feedback 6 June 2017, 20:50Project infoJagdpanzer IV L/48 Syria 19675 слике1:72ЗавршеноСви албумиПрикажи све албуме »