Dassault Mirage IIIc J-2201 Swiss Air Force
Photo 1 of 34
5 8 September 2017, 18:18

Very nice! Indeed the wheel wells are very nice. I like the cockpit too 👍
1 November 2017, 05:54

I am no longer convinced it will be the sunflower (s Blüemli), hmmmm... could also be aluminum finish. This would be the color when i first saw a Mirage from close distance.
18 November 2017, 16:27

finally we got more pictures! She's a beauty with her red Flunts
17 February 2018, 18:17

Very nice paint scheme and fantastic metalized result. Congratulations!
17 February 2018, 19:34

Thank you all, I really appreciate your comments!
Oh, a short translation for Thomas' comment: Flunt is the Swiss abbreviation for Fluegel-Untertank, it means 'wing underneath tank' (literally translated).
17 February 2018, 22:37

Glückwunsch - sieht fantastisch aus! Congratulation, it looks fantastic!
17 February 2018, 23:01

I think it's the builder who brings out the nice lines of this planes, not just the kit. Stunning job.
17 February 2018, 23:34

That is beautiful Mirage! She looks fantastic with the red markings and accents against the brilliant metal finish. Well done!
18 February 2018, 01:56

Hi Thomas .
Very nice for a first NMF bird. ( I wish I could achieve such a result for a first ! )
It seems your main landing gear is a bit twisted ... it seems it's tricky to get the correct angle , but it's a beautiful bird anyway .
29 April 2018, 16:38