Rui SI agree, nice paint job all around. Congratulations Chang-Young 👍
1 October 2017, 15:06
Danumurthi Mahendrayup. really like how you had all the weathering elements together. particularly making the stowage looks different individually
1 October 2017, 18:12
Spanjaardexcellent model amazing build and weathering. it looks fantastic.
1 October 2017, 21:21
Greg BakerEven dirty windows... I love it!
6 October 2017, 14:41
Chang-Young Park АуторMasking sheet in Eduard etched. it was helpful
7 October 2017, 07:32
OlivierOne can almost hear the 'gurgl' of the engine. Well done !
7 October 2017, 10:37
Mike DanielsSo realistic. Particularly like the chipping and rusting on the oil cans.
7 October 2017, 12:05