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Макетарска база података | Менаџер залиха
Daniel Reifer (Hugos_Hobbies)

Soviet Army Collection

Photo 1 of 89


2 13 December 2017, 16:54
Nikolaos Kouzinis
All the soviet army. Bravo!! Nice collection
 12 January 2018, 11:09
Tim Heimer
 12 January 2018, 12:54
Daniel Reifer Аутор
Thanks! There is still missing a lot. Dozens and dozens of kits that I will have to buy, build and paint and dozens and dozens of other vehicles and guns that wait to be even produced by any manufacturer...
 14 January 2018, 10:36
Philmeidosem -1/72
Au-delà de la collection, un très beau travail de peintures, patines, vieillissements, boue, rouille, etc. Bravo!
Beyond the collection, a very beautiful work of paintings, patinas, aging, mud, rust, etc. Bravo!
 30 January, 07:29

Album info

All the Models are in 1:72nd scale and used for wargaming from time to time.

89 слике
1:72 152mm gun-howitzer ML-20 (ACE 72227)

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