Full astern! (X-29)
2 1 July 2018, 19:22

Probably not😉 but I'm checking how quickly I can build something easy 🙂
For sure these won't be consecutive calendar days unfortunately.
2 July 2018, 06:08

I didn't finish a cockpit a fuselage in 1 day. Łukasz is the culprit😎
2 July 2018, 13:14

Welcome everyone 🙂 Hopefully the day 2 will occur later this week.
3 July 2018, 06:12

Back to the starting line! Once I get rid of non-fitting inlets I'll probably switch to white enamel (or Gunze C)
26 July 2018, 19:39

Currently on hold. The reason - Hasegawa decals react strangely to Tamiya softener (see the last pics). I'm going to buy another one after holidays and either use the decals on the kit I already built or will build second one from scratch and throw away this one (or leave for never-to-be-whif-build)
18 August 2018, 14:37

The painting looking good. It's a shame the problem with the decals, but do not throw away this one. Better do "what-if" before throw the kit😉
18 August 2018, 18:15

pity about the decals. but yes, a what-if would be nicer than nothing...
18 August 2018, 18:23

I cound't find a good capture from Jane's ATF or Fighters Anthology but here is an idea from another game (I think):
18 August 2018, 19:04

Holy cow!
Is the tamiya stuff that strong? Got the same kit and am wondering now about using microsol or mr mark setter/softer on the decals 😄 are hasegawa decals very sensitive generally?
The game footage looks interesting, could provide a nice save.
18 August 2018, 20:47

Thanks for your input folks, I didn't expect so much interest 🙂
I'm not a fan of whifs, but I will think about it, currently the most probable option is a Tiger-like agressor camo.
@Maciej: Cool pic, one of my fav games, efcharisto! 🙂
@Rene: The ones I found in X-29 boxing are quite strong, but they have a lot of glue added and they are very sticky and really hard to move around after applying. The solution is to cut them in small pieces, then they work, but I had to be very careful about the alignment. And apply only a bit of softener, cause in such case they like to move when drying. So, watch out, you have been warned 🙂
18 August 2018, 20:55

Well... Thanks for the warning🙂 they sound like loads of fun. Too bad masking and spraying the stripes isn't really an option with the DARPA inside the stripes 🙁
But other than the decals the kit seems to have given you little trouble aside from the intakes 👍
19 August 2018, 09:24

Indeed, it's quite simple and good fitting except for decals and inlets. Pity nobody makes masks for X-29. 🙁
19 August 2018, 12:05

Pitty about the decals ..... Long time ago I made this kit and I don't remember having trouble with the decals .... I used Microscale liquids though ....
15 November 2020, 11:54

Me too. I'm going to build another one anyway, maybe this winter or next year, not sure yet.
15 November 2020, 13:27