RAF Spitfire Mk.Ia
Photo 1 of 32
23 20 July 2018, 17:44

This kit, regarding the surfaces reproduction, has always been the best spitfire kit to my eyes. There are engraved panel lines, engraved rivets and fastener, and positive rivets on the rear fuselage.
You surely have done it justice with the detail work and exquisite paint job !
Ps: I just hope the incoming Kotare model will merge 2022 detailing with such surfaces rendering, but I have confidence.
26 May 2022, 21:13

You are absoultely correct about this kit OOB, it's amazing this came out in 1967 and kit manufacturers didn't follow suit. I had fun building it, it's too bad I broke the engine compartment preventing display. Lesson learned.
Appreciate the comments.
27 May 2022, 00:21

Thank you for the nice words, I was adding some more pictures today.
26 January 2024, 03:57
Album info
Revell Spitfire Mk. I