K47 HMS Polyanthus - finished
5 August 2018, 16:21

Wow! Just like the photo. I don't see how it could be any better! 👍 👍
5 August 2018, 20:07

Congratulation, looks great, has more details then my Flower Class Corvette in 1:72.
5 August 2018, 20:15

Just beautiful !! 🙂
Btw "HMS Polyanthus by Christian Bruer" sounds like an advert for a perfume or some fanct hair care product
"HMS Polyanthus by Christian Bruer,
....... because you're worth it"
haha 😄
Anyhow ......
.... fantastic work as always, love the dio
really sets the model off nicely 🙂
6 August 2018, 00:09

Also from me...this is a fantastic little ship. Especially the rigging, and the water scapes,and the details...and so on.
6 August 2018, 04:09

Thank you very much Gentleman for your interest and very kind comments. I'm pleased to share it with you.
Haha, great joke Choppa! But if it is an advert for modelmaking - anyhow - because you're worth it 😄
Have a nice start into the week!
Cheers, Christian
6 August 2018, 08:18

Well if it's by Christian Bruer you just know it's going to be high quality !!😉 😄
6 August 2018, 08:44

Beautiful and very authentic looking result, Christian ! Looking forward to see it „live an direct" in Hamburg this september 🙂
6 August 2018, 08:54

How do you describe it when a person has more than one masterpiece. I guess "by Christian Bruer" covers it.
6 August 2018, 12:06

Thank you all very much. Looking forward seeing you in HH next month 👍 I try to finish my HMS Venomous as well.
Cheers, Christian
6 August 2018, 18:41

THE PENCIL. !!!! That did it fr me. The intricate work and skill is just not seen until, "The Pencil". No kidding. What a perfect way to emphasize the actual scale, as then, you just want to get closer to see just what has been done. 🙂
Yet one more for the naval museum display cases.
Salute Christian. 👍 👍 👍
7 August 2018, 04:12

Great Model Christian! Hey Choppa, I think if it were a perfume it would smell like a piece of SHIP though?
7 August 2018, 06:24

Hallo Christian, Flugzeuge sind wohl ausgegangen?😉 Nee, Spaß beiseite, alles perfekt, so kenne ich das. 👍
7 August 2018, 10:29

Thank you very much mates, I'm pleased you like it.
Well as a perfume it will smell like grease, oil, engine and salt water. A fine mixture I think 😄
Bernhard, vielen Dank. Ja die Flugzeuge liegen erst mal in der Warteschliefe. Bis zur Ausstellung in Hamburg im IMMH haben erst mal wieder die Wasserfahrzeuge den Vorrang. Bis ins kommende Jahr wird auch sicher was fliegendes fertig werden.
Cheers, Christian
7 August 2018, 18:52

I can almost smell the paint and salt mate. 🙂
But the oily steam from the boiler is the best. 👍
Superb as always Christian.
Salute. 👍
10 September 2018, 20:23

What a lovely reveal Christian ! 🙂
That cheap 1200 scale Airfix kit is looking more appealing now, especially as it has 7 boats to practice scenes like this 😄
10 September 2018, 21:28

Christian, du weisst, dass ich kein Schifflebauer bin, aber ich bewundere deine detailtreue und die viele Arbeit, die du reingesteckt hast Klasse, weitee so!👍👍👍
11 September 2018, 16:47

Fantastic Job Christian....The modifications you did let it look like a high Class Kit...Congrats
11 September 2018, 18:44

Wunderschönes Modell, Christian. Ich bin jedesmal sprachlos wenn ich Deine schön detaillierten und gleichwohl sehr gut lackierten Modelle betrachte. Großartig.
Wie lang ist eigentlich so ein Corvetten-Modell in dem Maßstab?
11 September 2018, 20:39

Gentleman, thank you all for your very kind comments. I'm glad you like it.
Dirk, the Flower measures 177mm in length in scale 1/350.
Cheers, Christian
12 September 2018, 16:57

Ah Dave I'm sorry, your question about the waves - water display. I made them from a styrofoam board, the ones you use for house insulation. The contour was shaped with a brass wire brush and a motor tool. After sanding the surface I add several layers of wall paint in a stippling motion. Once the surface and the cutout for the ships is ok I add blue, gray and green paint in different shades. The whitewater was dry brushed using gray and white. When all is finished several layers of high gloss paint will give the wett and final look. The ship is fixed with high gloss acrylic gel. Hope that helps and answers your question!?
Cheers, Christian
12 September 2018, 17:06

YES! it does thank you. I will have to try it on my next ship model.
12 September 2018, 17:14

Congratulations Christian, your Polyanthus is incredible nice.
12 September 2018, 18:29

Smaller than the pictures suggest. Also more beautiful than the pictures suggest.
Really enjoyed meeting you Christian.
21 October 2018, 18:28

Beautiful camo scheme, very convincig water depiction, excellent work Christian !
21 October 2018, 19:01

i fully agree with Martin and Lode. i liked it in picture, in reality... wow!
21 October 2018, 22:15

Here I sit alone and forlorn, friendless... and you blokes were all having fun and not even drinking a toast to absent friends!
21 October 2018, 22:20

who said that we did not remembered you!? of course we did!, with (belgian) beer
21 October 2018, 22:21

next time, you can join😉 maybe a long stop over from Korea to Canada via Schiphol airport😉
21 October 2018, 22:29

Magnificent build Christian, it reminds me of the movie " The Cruel Sea"
22 October 2018, 02:47

I would bet that if you licked the model, you would find Christian has actually used salt water in his paints for greater effect. !. hahahahaha 🙂 A true artist. 🙂 (y
22 October 2018, 09:35

gosh...great model.I like the seascape and especially the wethering on the hull at the waterlline
22 October 2018, 14:22

I saw your model at SMC, it looked great indeed!
22 October 2018, 15:40

Holy Moly, I'm speechless by all your very kind comments. Thank you very much Gentleman!
Lode and Martin, it was a pleasure to meet you for the very first time and it was great to talk to you.
Spanjaard, it was very nice to meet you again and to have a chat about modelmaking! It is always nice to have a face behind a name!
Well, Peter and Kerry, to give you a broad hint, there was a modeler from Japan with a diorama on display at the show😉 So you should think about to make it someday!
Steven, next time you should unmask yourself. I didn't know you were there. It would be fine we have had a chat at the show!
Cheers, Christian
22 October 2018, 18:53

2 years ago I did talk to you about a half-track, I believe. You had a Sd.Kfz7 then if I'm right. You mentioned it was from Dragon and had the chassis divided and hard to get aligned. At that time I started to build my own half-track diorama.
22 October 2018, 22:42

Christian, Kerry and I plan to be in Europe in 2020 sometime. Finances permitting of course.
22 October 2018, 23:58

Mhh, Steven I never built a Sd Kfz. 7, maybe you have mistaken me for someone else?! Anyhow, would be fine to meet you next year!
Well Peter, that sounds good. Looking forward to your vist in the old world!
For sure Spanjaard, that will be the right place for a modelmaker!
SMC's posting on their web side today:
SMC 2018 is over and we can look back on a great show. And according to the many compliments we can safely say we kicked some serious ass this weekend: 4.020+ attendees, 1.831 pieces in the contest, 55 clubs and 138 vendors and last but not least the SMC Team of 67 people made this into an unforgettable event.
Indeed it was, thank you to the whole team to make it possible 👍 👍 👍
23 October 2018, 18:57

I was doubting if it wasn't your neighbour at SMC with that half-track, he was at the right from you. But we did talk about the bow wave of this ship:
24 October 2018, 16:32

Mmhhh Steven, I'm getting old!? Anyhow next year we'll give it another try🙂
Thx corporado.
25 October 2018, 18:05
Album info
Mirage Hobby scale 1/350 Flower Class Corvette build as K47 HMS Polyanthus in her 1942 configuration.