In-flight Mossie
1 5 August 2018, 17:15

Thanx. It's Harry's project that convinced me quick Matchbox build can look great >>>>>
6 August 2018, 07:20

Thanks guys. I managed to mask the windows in the meantime, though I was afraid the maskol will melt down in that heatwave we have in Yurop currently (but it didn't luckily). 🙂
8 August 2018, 07:26

Small update: painting finished, I'm pleased with the result (thanks to Hataka C paints). I tried to use different shades of black, hope it worked. In the meantime the decals are drying.
14 August 2018, 06:20

Gracias senior. 🙂 They (I mean Hataka C range) are extremely good, like enamels, but not smelly and quick drying. Similar to Gunze C, but less stinky. Way better than Vallejo I preferred before. I dillute them 1:1 with dedicated thinner.
14 August 2018, 11:25

Now I have to find someone wanting to buy the Vallejos, Gunze Hs, Hataka As and other paints that I collected over the years😉
14 August 2018, 11:32

Great looking Mossie, Lucasz! There is a nice subtle difference in the black, lots good!
15 August 2018, 02:20

Thanks mates, glad to read the shading on the undersides is visible 🙂 I'll upload pics of the finished build later today.
15 August 2018, 08:14

Finished, enjoy the pics 🙂
@Guy: While buying? Each number has a preceeding letter - A,B or C. A stands for acrylic, B for brush-optimised (I assume they're Vallejo-like) and C for cellulose ones (optimised for spraying). But if you mean painting process - C range dries v.quickly, 'overspraying' using air only makes it even faster, doesn't come off when masked and I could paint whole Mossie just in a single day 🙂
15 August 2018, 09:08

Thanks for the information Lukasz, that is really helpful. Great result with the Mossie 🙂
15 August 2018, 09:16

this must have been in your stash for a while😉 nicely done. thanks for the information about hataka
15 August 2018, 10:42

Thank you gentlemen, I appreciate that 🙂
@Spanjaard: Well, not really, I bought it online not so long ago. Probably the oldest Matchbox I store is the Twin Otter (I bought it in the pre-internet era😉 ).
16 August 2018, 07:09