Dangerous approach
26 12 September 2018, 15:05

a fantastic job. excellent details. amazing paintjob. great model figures and composition. i love it.
4 October 2018, 21:34

Gentlemen, thank you for your appreciation! Every diorama should tell a little story.
5 October 2018, 16:11

I think that old shepherd is a good contrast, recently a dio made where I doubted to apply such a figure. You have kept the dio very subtle, fantastic.
5 October 2018, 16:22

Oh ho... I thought 'great a new dio from Neuling!' But it is not new at all. But I still like it.
31 August 2020, 11:50

Thank you Olivier! - Yes: Old build, new pictures (with my new camera!).
1 September 2020, 07:58
Album info
Trumpeter Kit No. 01541