General Bradley meets PFC Stryker
66 8 December 2018, 14:15

Sorry mehr fällt mir nicht ein 😉!
Really cool and impressive build 👍
8 December 2018, 17:54

i really thought it was a reference picture... and when i started looking at the album discovered it was the model.... amazing!
8 December 2018, 23:39

I thoght it was real baghdad too! Especially first and second photo. Great work!
8 December 2018, 23:43

Mates, glad you like my diorama. Thank you! Thomas, ich kann halt nicht anders. Schöne fabrikneue Fahrzeuge kann man ja in Deinen Alben besichtigen!
9 December 2018, 14:50

Wow, really authentic built and what a beautiful pics .... had to look twice if it was not real!
9 December 2018, 14:55

Simply amazing and extremely realistic. Are the uniforms on the figures decals or did you paint them?
9 December 2018, 15:03

Jos and Michael, thank you! Michael, I painted the uniforms. It`s rather difficult to paint contemporary U.S. uniform camouflage as it essentially consists of tiny square shaped dots which you cannot paint in scale 1/35. So you have to try to make it look like it from a certain distance of watching. Nothing is perfect. Uniform decals I have seen so far only from Trumpeter, they include them in some of their figure kits. But even with decal softener applied they don`t cling well to the figures. Moreover I did not really like the colours anyway, so I had to paint (Vallejo).
10 December 2018, 14:47

And really well done diorama there. I like how you can do the dio's with more than one vehicle and pull it off. Quite often they don't look right, but yours arespot on. Amazing weathering as well, the dust around raised parts and the grimy look is very realistic. I agree about the uniforms, to try and do them exatly would be a real pain, i think you just have to an impression of them that looks right from a distance, and again, you have it spot on. Really, some of the best armoured diorama's i have seen.
10 December 2018, 15:02

Thanks Neuling for your explanation. I agree it's difficult to paint modern uniforms, but when done like you have they look very realistic. I've also seen the decals supplied by Trumpy and wondered how the decals would work. Like you say painting is going to be the best but not easiest option.
10 December 2018, 21:06

Amazing. The first picture that shows up had me convinced it was on the beach or the low hills of the Midwest. Excellent work Neuling.
10 December 2018, 21:09

I made an attempt to paint the ACU pattern with my last dio ... I did the digital print with a brush with pretty hard hairs. I got the contrasts by tampering with the brush.
10 December 2018, 21:14

Thank you! Bryn, what you see on the first picture is Bavarian sky and forest. Jos, your diorama looks good, uniforms well painted. Thanks for the tip! Next time I`ll use a brush with harder bristle.
11 December 2018, 18:17

I have posted two more photos to show the digital print of the ACU better.
12 December 2018, 18:04

Your uniforms look good. For realistic impression of my paintwork it should not be watched from a distance less than around 30 cm.
17 December 2018, 15:58

Danke, daemion! Indeed I`m not an absolute beginner in modelling - but in scalemating.
4 January 2019, 15:13

These Dioramas look so effortless, like a snapshot from reality.
21 September 2020, 23:56

Well deserved comments. Very nice dio and great paint job and weathering 👍
Nice Photoshop work too.
23 September 2020, 19:19

Unbelievable that this is not a pic from the real "action" Neuling 👍
That is a real benchmark congrats 👍
23 September 2020, 19:43

How do you manage to produce this quality on such a tight time-budget??😉
Excellent again - the ground really kicks it into press-photo quality on more than one pic & the tires are also a special pleasure to study carefully... 👍
25 September 2020, 12:34

Thank you Lukasz, Slavo and gorbygould! - Slavo, my dios where built over many years. And I don´t have to work for my living, so - being rather a slowhand - I can spend quite a lot of time on modelling.
27 September 2020, 09:15

Wow another masterpiece from your workbench! Your output of high quality dios is just impressive.
27 September 2020, 16:11

Wieder ein unglaublich tolles Dio von dir. Und du verstehst es, wie man es fotografisch richtig in Szene setzt.
29 September 2020, 15:25

Hey, du machst ja richtig klasse Sachen. Die realistischen Fotos sind der Hammer.
7 October 2020, 18:52

Incredibly realistic again, Neuling. Nice pictures too. I'm currently working on a Bradley too, yours will be an inspiration... but difficult to match! Congrats!
10 October 2020, 19:05

A very well done dio !!
These pics looks so realistic!
Also a great paint job on all models👍
A scene i will remember, maybe i occupy it....😉
13 November 2021, 21:09

You have a knack for composing dios - aside from your modelling skills. That one too is a winner.
15 November 2021, 16:47

As always, totally amazed by your work and photography. Outstanding!
15 November 2021, 17:52

Danke Andreas, auch für die vielen Likes! Warst hier lange nicht mehr sichtbar ........
18 November 2021, 09:29

The mastery of the techniques, the level of detail and the quality of painting leave you dreaming ... I am jealous ...🤣🤣😜
18 November 2021, 10:01

Danke Hugh, no reason for jealousy, you really can be proud of your beautiful Corsair model!
20 November 2021, 11:58

Another diorama that I thought the teaser photograph was a real one, until I saw the author. Neuling, your work is just in another league!
13 May 2023, 04:59

Hi Neuling. WOW, what a great job. At first i thought it was a photo (2 + 3 / 14) of a real scenery. Beautiful diorama, great weathering, great scenery.
28 May 2023, 11:23