Hughes H-1 "Short Wing" completed
5 2 April 2019, 07:18

Nice and sleek aircraft... beautiful start. Seems like a weird tail...
3 April 2019, 14:56

I'm following. I want to see how this beautiful silver bird turns out.
3 April 2019, 15:16

Heee, Frühstart ! 🙂 🙂 Da hängt die Latte schon jetzt weit oben.....👍
3 April 2019, 16:54

Watching! Many years ago at the Reno Air Races I saw the full-size reproduction. Very sleek looking aircraft.
5 April 2019, 18:18

Thx Mates. This was an easy decision because the kit parts were not correct (upper edge should be straight, edge too thick) and lacked details. I spent in all only 2.5 hours.
15 April 2019, 04:27

Looking good, never seen such a landing gear before... When looking at the museum model, landing this beast must have been quite an adventure, sight from the cockpit to the ground was as good as nill...
15 April 2019, 07:40

Bart: indeed, you are right. Because of that the seat could be rised after sliding the aft (divided) part of the canopy into the cockpit. I can't imagine how this worked: the cockpit is very tide and on the pictures you can't see any rails.
15 April 2019, 08:54

As usual I used my special mix for NMF-finish: 50% Testors-metalizer and 50% Testors-Sealer.
I discovered that paper can be used as polishing tool too: on one edge of the windscreen I had spraying dust and cold polish them away with a corner of 2 x folded paper hold with a fine tweezers.
20 April 2019, 09:44

Looking awesome Bernhard 👍 Can you say which metalizer and sealer you used (product numbers)? Thank you.
20 April 2019, 12:09

Hi Alec, see please the pictures 20-22. Aluminum toned up with Titanium (darker) and down (more grey) with Magnesium. It's important to have an even and smooth surface (for example 1500). Note: it's possible so sand and polish the Metalizer&Sealer mixture. Unfortunately it's impossible to get this products in Europe because the EU-Lösungsmittelreform (~2014).
Few months ago I had great luck and buy in german eBay several bottles🙂
20 April 2019, 13:58

Splendid paintjob... finely painted or masked on the wing details..
20 April 2019, 14:40

Just stunning Bernard. 👍
Your scratch building and attention to detail is why your the champion you are. 🙂
26 April 2019, 08:44

I haven't built my long wing version of the Racer, so this is great to follow. Very nice job!
27 April 2019, 16:41

Another great finish, Bernhard! Your attention to detail, and skill to recreate that detail, is fantastic! No main canopy?
30 April 2019, 12:13

Alec, you are completely right, every Schrock build is a Trade Mark 👍 and this one is no exception!
30 April 2019, 12:57

Saw this beauty ( almost finished ) live on monday, this superior craftsmanship never ceases to stun me !
30 April 2019, 14:02

Amazing build. I love this and the fact it's not something you see everyday.
30 April 2019, 15:38

Thx mates for you extraordinary feedback.
Gordon: I found a hint on an website that the H-1 provided a special seat (adjustable in heigh) because the very streamlined canopy. The pilot could raise the seat upwards for better sight during start and landing. But I could not find out how exactly the (divided in left and right half) canopy was stowed in the fuselage. Because of that I left it outside the fuselage.
2 May 2019, 04:20

This one is stunning too, of course! (I have been a bit confused at first, when looking at Hanno's album at the same time, to be sincere...;) )
4 October 2021, 12:49

Hi Robert: this is the groupbuild picture of the groupbuild🙂. The "Longwing-variant" (right in the picture) is build by Hanno.
4 October 2021, 12:52