L188 Junior Electra
20 April 2019, 13:27

more airbrush work done today, started off with the blue for the tail and the trims.
everything went good, the blue is on very nicely, that was until i started on the aluminium for the wings...
i had to learn the hard way that spraying Humbrol and Revell metallic enamel paints is a real pain in the ***.
i didnt matter how much thinner i used, it was still to thick and almost gummed up the works.
when the time comes to spray the bottom of the fuselage, i think im going to go back to handpainting for that part.
anyway it was a nightmare to spray on and an even bigger one to clean up, as the nozzle of the brush started to leak.
in the end, i managed to get it done somewhat right.
the white will be sprayed on as soon as the fuselage assembly is done.
28 April 2019, 14:49