CF-188 Hornet No. 785
24 April 2019, 08:10

Nicely built and weathered... the light at the side of the cockpit, is that from the kit, or did you have to do some scratchbuilding to it?
24 April 2019, 09:11

Hello Bart, many thanks! The "light" on the side is a Camera, it was part of the kit.
24 April 2019, 10:14

according to references: The most visible difference between a CF-18 and a U.S. F-18 is the 0.6 Mcd night identification light. This spotlight is mounted in the gun loading door on the port side of the aircraft. Some CF-18s have the light temporarily removed, but the window is always in place.
24 April 2019, 10:36

Allright, You are correct...😉 Seems that i have Mixed Up Something...
24 April 2019, 12:29

Very nice work as usual Christian! What are your thoughts on the Kinetic Hornet? I hear many conflicting opinions on this kit. It seems to be very polarizing.
24 April 2019, 14:43

Again - thanks Michael for your feedback! The Kit was nice and a pleasure to build, with a lot of options to do. I can recommend it for sure! Cheers, Christian
24 April 2019, 15:59

Super nice CF 18, and then Kinetic, how was the construction, was there more worries or does it all fit like the old Hasegawa models?
24 April 2019, 18:59

Many thanks my friends for your kind words!
Jens, ich hatte leider noch keine der Hasegawa Rhinos am Tisch, aber der Kinetic Bausatz ist auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert. Die Passform war viel besser als erwartet...LG
25 April 2019, 06:49

IMHO Kinetic has some good and very complete kits, but they need a lot of searching for the right parts (they are included, but not mentioned on the instructions, so look at the references and compare these to the parts on the sprue) and cleaning/dryfitting of the parts.
25 April 2019, 09:23

Fantastic work
Kannst du den Bausatz empfehlen oder hat er Schwächen ?
25 December 2019, 08:47 schon eine Weile her...soweit ich mich erinnere war der Bausatz Ok...LG
27 December 2019, 10:32