Travel Air Mystery Ship R614K - completed
6 4 May 2019, 10:06

OMG, your projects just keep getting better and better! Can't wait to see what you do with this one.
9 May 2019, 21:22

Bernhard, in the time I think about a solution of a problem you nearly finishes a whole project😎 Great work again 👍
30 May 2019, 19:51

I was wondering how you were going to tackle the masking.....very clever solution with the circles....paint job is already looking awesome!
2 June 2019, 08:46

Thank you Mates for your comments. It was worth to spent yesterday two hours for exactly masking. I used Tamiyas white tape and I'm very content with the results. The last task today was the applying of narrow black decal stripes and the kit decals (very good quality).
2 June 2019, 15:07

Magnificent masking and paintjob, absolutely invisible connection between painted and decal stripe !
2 June 2019, 15:30

I really like your interpretation of the aircrafts of that times 👍 Impressive rigging!
4 June 2019, 20:19

Just watched a documentary on Pancho Barnes. She really loved this plane.
5 June 2019, 23:30

Looks fast even in scale & stationary! Great work & beautiful result!
6 June 2019, 11:21

Thank you for the nice comments. It was an unusual modeling project based on a 55 years old kit. It's stunning that Hawk released an entire series of planes which were built only once or very few. Some of them I have built already, for example Supermarine S6B, Howard Ike and Laird Solution and I remember that I had a lot of fun.
7 June 2019, 04:20

splendid result... maybe an old kit, but a very beautiful one, and very nicely enhanced...
7 June 2019, 06:33

Definitely not a project for the faint-hearted... the result is absolutely perfect!
12 July 2019, 08:00

Just reviewed this again... Still puts a big smile on my face - such a thing of beauty this is 👍
12 July 2019, 16:32
Album info
Winner of the Thompson Cup Trophy 1929.