I must be mad...
7 July 2019, 18:47

... and another aardvark ... fantastic, again I grab a seat for your project! 👍
7 July 2019, 21:05

Watching closely, this is the one I am building too, so my industrial espionage equipment is full-on watching for pitfalls & tricks to apply😉
8 July 2019, 06:00

Fear not Augie...'madness' is only a state of mind 🤔 (?) Are you going for the kits 'Tiger Tail' markings on this one, or is it too early to say?
8 July 2019, 06:15

Your build will be so eagerly watched Augie, especially the paint works. 👍 🙂
11 July 2019, 22:03

Why do you ever ask yourself that question? You're a scale modeller and then per definition a stark raving mad lunatic...
11 July 2019, 22:24

...We are the Vark... Resistance is futile...!
You will order your kit and your technical and artistic experience will be assimilated by the group build!
12 July 2019, 10:38

So quick pics of the cockpit buttoned up.. no seams or edges 😄 woo hoo!!!
13 July 2019, 19:10

My congratulations to the freshly married couple! Looks like they were really made for each other!😉
13 July 2019, 19:47

What's not to like about another F-111? We can never get enough of them. Looking good! 🙂
13 July 2019, 20:48

Dramas. ! ! ! ! What dramas. ??????
I am pleased you encountered none of the crap I had to deal with. 😉
13 July 2019, 22:18

How did I miss this one. A Hobby Boss "Vark" count me in please.
13 July 2019, 22:29

One thing to note.. the HB instructions have you use the wrong intake for a FB-111 /G. They instruct to use the transnational inlet.. not the one with blow in doors!
15 July 2019, 00:40

Correct, thanks Augie - I guess the TP I/TP II discussion is the "next big thing" in the group build 🙂
15 July 2019, 05:06

A question! This Vark/Pig build. Is it just Hobby Boss 1:48 or is it any kit? And what is the timeframe? I just realized that I got an Italeri in 1:72 that would be perfect for a OOtB build and a bit different compare to my normal building where I almost never manage to build OOtB.
15 July 2019, 10:59

Ah, then I'll join in with my Italeri or more correctly ESCI kit...
15 July 2019, 11:30

So quick update, had to do a little repair work on the sides after installation of the weapons bays tore the sides out...
The other is my attempt to reproduce the internal exhaust, needs some fettling to get it in fully
15 July 2019, 21:01

See, I am not sure if I should leave mine as they are, or cut them down more like yours.
15 July 2019, 23:46

Mine are about right I think from pictures, they need feathering in more on one but should be ok.
The bay was a little oversized, I missed it on dry fit and the cyno I used let the plastic fracture so it split the sides.
repaired ok so thats one thing. I've also sourced weapons for her, 2x B-61 2x SRAM 4x tanks, 1x ECM..
15 July 2019, 23:56

I am so glad I have all you people out there to set me straight on things like what it's role was. 🙂
Otherwise, I would be so uninformed. 👍
16 July 2019, 07:34

I like the SAC finish with the heraldry & white underside.
The repairs seem fine, looking forward to a strategically equipped one - nice to have so many versions in the group 🙂 👍
16 July 2019, 09:07

Augie. No such thing mate. As I was fully unaware of it being a SAC bomber, being blind sided by our use of it when we had it in service, as just a fighter bomber for our dirt. 😉
16 July 2019, 13:35

How many of us are doing the Bomber version? Yours is looking good Augie.
16 July 2019, 16:44

@Clifford: we have 2xG, 2xE, 1xC and 1xFB111A so far... still room for A, D, F the Raven or a fearless conversion to B😉
16 July 2019, 18:30

Sparkvark/Raven in the group would be really cool - I want to do one at some point, top 10-20 on ToDo list... mid 2020's 😄
16 July 2019, 18:36

Woohoo, Welcome Clifford to the bucket of instant sunshine delivery group!
16 July 2019, 19:46

Only those who know what the type is they are building, as they all look exactly alike.👍 🙂
16 July 2019, 20:15

I got all currently known 7 build checked - you can copy from my header 🙂
17 July 2019, 06:50

Mid dry fit run as it goes together, cockpit seems to of come off well. the rest of the fit is just about perfect, just needs fettling into place
20 July 2019, 01:12

Augie. I am really impressed with your work and results, just wonderful and your putting us to the test to do as well as your doing my friend. 😉 👍
If I may, can I suggest that you reduce the 'slime lights' height to bring them more into 'scale' and more flush with the fuselage skin. . ? Look at this image of the "Boneyard Wrangler' and you will see what I mean. 😉
Image 15. The "Boneyard Wrangler" . | Album by RedRoo
I do enjoy your work. 👍 🙂
20 July 2019, 13:27

Lol thanks Kezza, I suspect slavo is going to have it well beat 🙂.
Good idea with the slime lights, will see what I can do without ruining the finish 🙂
20 July 2019, 19:11

No worries Augie. It was just an observation, as I did it to mine when first out of the box. 😉 👍
20 July 2019, 19:50

yeah i like the idea.. just maybe too late for me now with her semi built, but will give it a look.
She's going together quite easily for so many bits.
20 July 2019, 20:15

It is a BIG kit, parts wise. I was totally floored when I opened the first one I built. Just packed to the brim.................AND LOVING IT. 🙂 🙂 🙂 hahahahaha !
20 July 2019, 20:29

with the slime light situation. That can be done to all of them. The tail, upper wing/body and the rear ones. They just needs to be 'reduced' , not removed. 😉
20 July 2019, 20:30

ha yea, reduced is the trick.. 🙂 as for the kit.. in the case of the FB.. lots of weaps, none suit the decals lol
20 July 2019, 22:50

The decals for the weapons are CRAP, but for the bird, they are perfect. 👍
Your making it look easy Augie. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍
20 July 2019, 23:23

thanks Kezza, they are also the wrong weaps for a SAC SIOP vark.. so had to raid daco set for B-61's and the SRAMS are from the B-1..
20 July 2019, 23:49

It was strange how information about a bomber that was almost 50 years old was still being guarded, and that was also about the weapons they could/did carry. I think HB did as well as they could and gave us the 'conventional' lot that everything else carried. :-9
21 July 2019, 00:25

Maybe, though if I can find out information I cant imaging it would of been too hard for them 🙂
Either way, The kit comes with a lovely load of weapons for the weapons stash
21 July 2019, 01:05

She's looking sweeet, Augie, can't wait to see her with some colour.👍
21 July 2019, 01:11

You're closer to painting than I am, I've just finished gluing in all the electricals in place.
21 July 2019, 01:30

I am really looking forward to the SAC camo with the white bottom and tiger tail 🙂 👍
21 July 2019, 06:18

I found pictures of them loaded with late version MK-82's, is this not correct? I guess I will have to rob my B-1. Did they carry any LGB's?. The Acadmey kit comes with no weapons at all. Just drop tanks.
22 July 2019, 01:38

All this 'Vark activity has had me blowing the dust of my library - 'Modern Combat Aircraft 2: F-111 General Dynamics' by Bill Gunston (1978 ) - very readable contemporary history of the technology (and politics) of this bird (all variants to that time)! Looking good so far Augie! 👍 🙂
22 July 2019, 07:22

Nice link Donald... they had a similar site for the F-15E but that one has disappeared lately...
22 July 2019, 07:31

Hi Clifford, FB's in the schemes that come with the kit were generally only bucket of instant sunshine carriers 🙂
Thanks for the link Don, thats the one am using as a guide
22 July 2019, 09:17

I have the new "Dark Vark" decal sheet for mine. They are Dark Gray and 2 tones of green. They were paintied in this scheme in the late 80's early 90's. But no problem I will plan on buckets of instant sunshine. IE SHRAM's.
22 July 2019, 23:37

Hehe so we have an Early SAC in mine and a later dark vark in yours. Very cool!
22 July 2019, 23:56

Yea, I already have an early one, so did not want to do another. So I stumbeled across that decal sheet and thought it looked good, so decided to do the Dark Vark.
23 July 2019, 00:07

Quick set of pics, ones the seats as I've got them too. The other is her, with some paint on
28 July 2019, 11:20

Thanks Stephan, its been a bit of a pig.. Humbrol paints are not what they used to be sadly.
28 July 2019, 11:22

I think that has to do with REACH, a lot of ingredients are not allowed anymore in colours 🤔
28 July 2019, 11:31

WOW. ! 😉
What a doll. !
The red certainly does look stark. !
I will be posting my progress soon, just as soon as I water mark all my images, 😉
Love your work Augie. 👍 👍 👍 🙂
28 July 2019, 12:19

Indeed Stephan, suspect your right. Will just have to keep buying old ones from fleabay 🙂
Thanks Hans, Love the early SAC colours, will look interesting with the tanks, SRAM under pylons and B-61's in the bays
Thanks Kezza, I doubt anyone would steal mine either so no need to watermark em
Thanks Roland, she is fairly fresh looking, that will change soon as I have paint finished an decals set.. then its time to make her very dirty.
28 July 2019, 12:55

SAC colors came out really good IMHo 👍 This will be a great show once everything comes together!
28 July 2019, 15:19

Thanks slavo, we'll see 🙂 I think it should all smooth out with the matt coat 🙂 will see what fun the flaps are (fit is crap!)
28 July 2019, 15:24

Yes, I must agree Donald. I have been watching Augies paint shop for years now, and she has had most of us picking our jaws up off the floor on several occasions. 🙂 👍
Quite talented is our Augie. 😉
28 July 2019, 23:35

Thanks Don and Kerry 🙂 I still think your mad, this one is not one of my best by fair. but fun project never the less. 🙂
29 July 2019, 00:11

Augie, I had a cure for you with the flap fit. And I assume your mentioning the extended slats that are red. !
I filed with a square edged file the slots inside the wing cavity where those long rods/bars are meant to go, mostly to get a little more freedom of fit and movement, but it looks like I was a little late in posting the images of what I did. Oh well. ! 🙂
29 July 2019, 19:35

Kerry & Augie definitely way to go - I forced the slats into place without filing, it kind of looked OK, but as the glue was drying it pushed the slat a little forward, resulting in a somewhat "generous" gap...
29 July 2019, 20:06

Looking very nice Augie. Man am I way behind. Got my fwd fuselage done and the wings done. I have resin pylons for min, so they would not fit the swinging pylon fittings in the Acadmey kit. So my wings will be swept full fwd, with the outboard pylons cocked inboard 10 degrees.
29 July 2019, 20:28

Clifford, Is there a solution for your outer pylon location. ?
As in, making new holes or something similar. ?
29 July 2019, 20:33

When the FB-111A's had 3 pylons installed on each wing, the out board pylon was fixed, it did not pivot. They were offset 10 degrees inboard. Once the aircraft had taken off the wings were retracted to 26 degrees of sweep and that would bring the outboard pylons in line with the fuselage. Any degree of sweep past 26 degrees of sweep the outboard tank and pylon were jettisioned from the aircraft. FB-111's never carried fuel tanks on the inboard pylons. Those were resereved for weapons. Usually buckets of instant sunshine. Though they did sometimes carry MK 82's on the inboard 2 pylons on practice missions.
29 July 2019, 20:42

Thing to note, as your doing a FB-111 the outboard pylons were cocked 10 degrees inboard. They were fixed so they were cocked so as the aircraft was at 26degree sweep they were straight. These were always tanks and dropped when used..
29 July 2019, 20:43

Thanks Aug's, you confirmed that my research was indeed correct then. Was hoping someone would confirm it. I braceing myself for the flurry of questions, "what is wrong with your wings"? LOL.
29 July 2019, 20:47

I knew about the outboard pylons being fixed, but went ahead with them moving with the rest. But, if I use the magnet routine, they will stay where I want them or "jettison".
29 July 2019, 22:25

Interesting question, IIRC only the FB flew with pylons on stations 7/2 the other varients didn't generally fly with them.
30 July 2019, 08:04

does that basicslly mean that both leading pin holes options for the outer pylons are wrong?
+ does anyone have a good source on how the wing/connection looks with the pylon down?
30 July 2019, 08:29

Augie I meant that the leading holes for placing the pylons on the HB kit offer 2 positions (3 holes per pylon, fully extended/fully swept wings) - fully swept is apparently impossible for the outer fixed-angle pair, but also parallel to the inner 2 is not correct. The correct position wit 6 pylons/extended wings seems to be like this:
The second question was if anybody has a link or reference how the wing underside looks when the outer pylons are removed - which I intend to do on my model - there must be some type of cover/joint at the positions, not just a filled & sanded wing surface 🙂
30 July 2019, 17:53

Ohh, I see what you mean. Perhaps look for under wing pics of F-111E/F they had the outers covered so should give an indication.
30 July 2019, 18:34

Quick pic showing off idea for the slime lights, yes thats actually glowing 🙂
31 July 2019, 23:44

Thanks Nathan, Its not proper sized yet, that was just a test bit 🙂 not bad.
31 July 2019, 23:57

That looks really cool. What did you use?, if it's not a bib secret. Got my wins on today and upper and lower fuselage half's joined. Waiting on my PE nozzle detail set.
1 August 2019, 02:22

The slime light you have happening here reminds me of a product called 'Glow sheet' that did the same thing. 👍
Is this what you have used here girl. ? 😉
1 August 2019, 03:18

Wow, looks really good in the dark! How does it look in normal light conditions? I find the typical decal solutions are almost always a weakspot in the finish, this looks interesting 👍
1 August 2019, 06:42

Kezza was spot on with what he thought. It'll need a dull coat over it but i love the effect 🙂
1 August 2019, 07:47

Augie, this 'glow sheet' was first advertised in Fine Scale Modeller magazine over 30 years ago, and where you will see it used to greatest effect is the illuminated numbers on the cars that race Le Mans. ! What connections and power source did you have to do. ?
It looks wonderful Augie and you are the first one to use it in a scale model, from what I have seen. Bloody well done mate. 👍 🙂
1 August 2019, 08:41

Come on Augie, don't go all enigmatic on us! Throw some light on the product (did I really just type that?!!)😎
1 August 2019, 10:27

I saw someplace in the US that sold glowing slimelight vinyl stickers in 1:48 & 1:32. Mainly F-4 and F-14. The postage was too steep from there to Sweden so I opted out from it.
1 August 2019, 10:32

Augie has one over all the boys. !!! Yahooooooooooo.
👍 Brilliant stuff Augs'
Now, where do we get it. ? 😉
1 August 2019, 10:33

hehe thanks guys 🙂
This is all it is
1 August 2019, 16:42

That's some pretty nice radio active stuff. 20 feet gives us slime lights for say 1000 models...
1 August 2019, 21:27

We would all end up glowing in the dark if that was used on every kit that had slime lights. 'Gewp'. !
1 August 2019, 21:32

Oh my sweet Blue Peter! First Parafilm, now fluorescent adhesive tape...what will it be next? Nice one Augie, I can think of a couple of other possible uses beyond 'slime' lights as well - pass me the sticky-back plastic and used plastic detergent bottle quickly! 👍 🙂
2 August 2019, 08:52

Augie. Don't be surprised if scale mates starts glowing now. 🙂🙂 🙂
You have started a movement that I can see, growing with each post. hehehehehe 👍
I have just ordered mine. 😉
3 August 2019, 19:55

It would be great as the back lighting on instrument panels and cockpit interior lighting. God. ! The possibilities in application are endless. ! :-O
3 August 2019, 19:57

Kerry - so you've had the same thought about cockpit interior lighting too! (Great minds and fools alike!)😉
3 August 2019, 20:15

LOL oh god.. what have I done 🙂 this is almost like the wax trick for metal
3 August 2019, 21:11

You dear Augie have planted a most welcome seed in all our minds. 🙂 👍
I actually used the paint that glowed from Revelle years ago, but it just never look 'right'. :-/
This is a brand new world for all of us, and I for one am most grateful that you sprang the surprise the way you did. !!!
Just fantastic. 👍
3 August 2019, 21:24

Brilliant. !
Literally. 👍 hahahahahaha 🙂 🙂 🙂
It must get awfully dark where you live. :-O
3 August 2019, 21:59

Ha, no I wear glasses and without them I cant see a thing. This on the switches helps me see them in the dark.
3 August 2019, 22:19

You could always make your car look like it came out of the movie Tron
3 August 2019, 23:33

I have to get me some of that. I can just imagine what my 1/32 scale F-14 and F-4 would look like with those slime lights.
4 August 2019, 02:21

Augie, you are positively brilliant! I don't know how I missed this thread earlier, but I am tuned in now. Love the SIOP paint.
4 August 2019, 12:58

Seeing this build pass by a couple of times but never responded. Now I will, because it's so cool to see the white belly. Something that makes this build stand out from the rest! So many Varks, so many options. 🙂
6 August 2019, 23:25

Cliff, it's better than looking good! I love the open avionics bays and cockpit. The pe belts really add life to the kit. My F-111F and EF-111A kits don't have that feature i don't think. But will have to check. I commend Augie for tackling this beast and making a beautiful go it. R/ Dutch
8 August 2019, 14:53

I agree the open avionics bay is way cool. I did not know that the Hobby Boss kit had that option. I knew you could open the weapons bay. I guess I better save up my pennies and get me one of those. LOL.
9 August 2019, 01:05

The best thing would really be a merger of the Academy & HB kits... One replaces the failings of the other, together they would make almost a perfect F-111 base... 🙂
9 August 2019, 04:44

Except counting to 6 with the nozzle supports and the theoretically working swing-wing action, HB is afaik the better deal in all other aspects 🙂
9 August 2019, 09:51

An other master piece from our girl. 👍
If your looking at the wing decals, make sure the 'walk' and 'no step' ones are on the correct part of the wing.
You never walk on a leading edge, and this is where the 'no step' decal should go, and it will be worthwhile trimming them off and position them correctly.
HB got the decals all arse about. 🙁
12 August 2019, 01:19

Nice going - and the wondertape stripe looks good in daylight conditions too 👍
12 August 2019, 05:00

Augie. The only fault that I can find is that you chose the 380th BW over the 509th! R/ Dutch
13 August 2019, 12:13

I also did a 380th BW bird also. But I have another one and it will be done in 509th markings.
13 August 2019, 20:14

Half tiger done.. that decal is probably the worst I have ever used.
13 August 2019, 20:35

Hope you weather the storm, the tiger tail will look great once fixed!
13 August 2019, 21:27

Top tiger tail Augie! (The shadow in the background threw my eyes for a moment there!)😎
14 August 2019, 08:43

Thanks guys,
Yes holly, washes coming after decals complete and sealed 🙂
14 August 2019, 09:31

And here I was thinking that all combat aircraft were supposed to be 'hidden from view', but some one has decided to 'put on some lippie'. !
A strategic planner she will never be. 😉
But put her in charge of a spray paint facility, and anything is possible. 👍
Even the toughest of them all can come out with a whole new appearance. 😉
I am most impressed Augie. 👍
Always look on the bright side of life..........do do................You know the rest. 🙂
hehehehehehehe🙂 🙂 🙂
Looking forward to the final chapter of your build, as it should be good. 👍 🙂
14 August 2019, 10:16

Augie, I think that FB-111A 68-0247 with the tiger tail WAS from the 393rd BS, 509th BW. It was painted that way for a NATO Tiger Meet at Kleine-Brogel AB, Belgium in June-July, 1978. You have the 380th BW patch on the port fuselage side. I believe that the SAC badge should be superimposed on a SAC sash that circled the stbd fwd fuselage just behind the radome with the 509th badge also the stbd side behind the cockpit. The port nose had a large tiger head squadron badge painted. Airliners photos: airliners.net/photo/..A-Aardvark/1660218/L
Notice the small Canadian zap inside the US insignia in the second photo. Still a very nice build.
HTH, Dutch
14 August 2019, 14:10

Thanks Dutch, I will look. Sadlly you dont get the big tiger head..
Looking at its Starb'd side, thats what I have so far, its the port that wont match. as the kit has port with sash and 380th.. which they copied from the other set of decals... grrrr
14 August 2019, 16:58

I have yet to see any accurate decals for the tiger tail 393rd BS scheme. Even IPMS decals were not accurate. I have a set of 1/72 aftermarket decals that has the SAC sash going completely around the nose and no Tiger Head on port side. Grrr indeed!
14 August 2019, 19:22

Microscale botched it also! FB-111A (SuperScale International 48-0228, 1:48) It's as if they only had the stbd side view and assumed the port side was the same.
14 August 2019, 19:53

You think you're mad Augie? Just try to explain pic. 26 to anyone who has not been following the thread!! But still brilliant! 👍 🙂
15 August 2019, 08:41

Your Vark is ready to join the Watch & beat the Night King😉 Looking great, such a cool idea 👍
15 August 2019, 10:27

Yesterday I received the roll of tape I ordered after seeing it mentioned in this thread. When I entered my darkened room it lit up! Great stuff! 👍
15 August 2019, 13:21

Every night when I 'lights out' to go to bed, my roll of tape stays glowing in the corner of my work area - spooky!
15 August 2019, 13:41

@Derek - the tape does not need to eat, to breathe or to sleep... It´s there, sitting in deadly silence watching you & waiting for it´s moment to shine...😉
15 August 2019, 15:19

@ Slavo - Oh great...thanks a bunch. Just what I need! You don't think it might strike up an alliance with 'The Carpet Monster' to wreak havoc upon my peaceful little world do you? It might become a case for the 'X-Files'! 🤔
15 August 2019, 17:10

Little did Derek know that he had entered another dimension of sight and sound....
15 August 2019, 17:43

So that's what it looks like peering over at your wingman while heading to the target in the pitch black darkness.
15 August 2019, 19:42

...And somebody has taken over control of my television set!!! I must be reaching my 'Outer Limits' 😮
15 August 2019, 19:43

Well, standard SIOP load for the time period. had to go with it else I would never get to use em 🙂
18 August 2019, 17:45

Light is back on and this keeps looking better and better! Tiger-tail - check, load-out including the special angle outer pylons - check & I really like the last shot of the bomb bay 👍 Including the nozzle ring that got picked up by the landing gear😉
18 August 2019, 18:16

thanks guys 🙂
Slavo, that ring is just supporting the gear while one of the supports sets again 🙂
18 August 2019, 18:47

I am most impressed with your work Augie. 👍 It's been a pleasure to see each post as you built. 🙂 🙂 🙂
18 August 2019, 19:45

Sure is. If ever I'm feeling overwhelmed I will think of the amount of responsibility on those airmen's shoulders.
19 August 2019, 12:39

Very, very nice! If that is a cell phone case next to it on the shelf, she is a very large bird of prey indeed! Hmm... from the parts arrayed next to it, I wonder what the next project will be.
20 August 2019, 07:38

Great setup for the final meters, really like the open avionics bays and the SAC heraldry!
21 August 2019, 11:49

As she's nuke, she needs blast curtains, so this is a trial of making one.
22 August 2019, 23:29

Great detail Augie 👍
Maybe one suggestion - on pics I have seen, the curtains seem not to be all-too even, if you are using alu foil as it seems, maybe it would look cool to twist it a little, then even out and fold to final form with a less even surface?
Just an idea 🙂
23 August 2019, 05:22

Augie. 👍 🙂 My heartiest congratulations on bringing to life a most difficult camo scheme and subject. 👍 👍
Your attention to detail is well noted my friend. 😉
I just love what you have achieved. 👍
Cheers and salute. 🙂
(I LOVE image 38. 👍 )
26 August 2019, 19:35

Agree with everyone else Augie, another one very well done. Congrats.
26 August 2019, 23:40

Yours is very nice. I like the dark one's they look "mean". LOL.
27 August 2019, 00:18

What colors did you use on yours, I think I would like to do one in that scheme, if I can get ahold of another FB-111. How was the HB kit?
27 August 2019, 00:21

Yes, I like Photo #38 too! Beautiful build, Augie. A worthy effort and one to be proud of.
27 August 2019, 00:30

I raise my glass to a strategic toast for a great finish! 🙂 Another Vark through the finish line, great show, it was a pleasure to watch it get there all the time! 👍
27 August 2019, 06:42

Thanks guys 🙂 really appriciate it.
Clifford, the kit is easy enough as long as your careful 🙂
Mine was painted in humbrols, 116, 31, and the brown was a rather old HM8 Khaki drill (authentic range, older than I am)
27 August 2019, 16:42

Where did you get hold of that vintage tin of paint?! It's a small treasure, million times better than the current bunch of humbrol tins. I have some 25 year old tins, still going on.
27 August 2019, 19:00

Maciej, I've been collecting paints for many years, I think this one came from my grandfather 🙂
27 August 2019, 19:29

Cool. I have not used Humbrol since I was stationed in Germany in the 70's, though like you I have some old tins. Thanks for the info. I think I may have to grab up one of the HB kits.
29 August 2019, 00:37

The HB Kits are well worth it, they are great detail and other than the burners being 5 Actuator instead of 6, they are easily OOB better than academy.
Downsides if your building a FB-111, they dont have the correct pylons and the afore mentioned actuator issue.
Intakes are a little simplified but this is the same of all, instructions tell you to use translational inlet, not the triple plow.
Weapons included are wholy wrong for a FB in SAC service, tho would work for post nuclear role
29 August 2019, 01:01

It's less than 20% difference, we should not be so harsh in judgement😉 I think nothing beats the "2x same wing" treatmemt of Greg's Trumpeter kit...
I agree with Augie, the HB kit is really nice, especially the surface details are very good.
29 August 2019, 08:22

I have an extra set of Academy cans, maybe they would work, and OZ Mods makes the correct resin pylons.
29 August 2019, 21:22

I saw the OZ mods cans last night on line and ordered a set for the other 111 I am building now. @Augie, that is where I got the pylons for both my 111's. Wish they made more stuff for other aircraft, I rather like their resin bits.
30 August 2019, 22:54

Do they have a website. I usually just get what I can find on E-Bay.
1 September 2019, 02:42

I just noticed several Ozmods items listed on ebay in the USA from a seller I've purchased many items from. Quick service and good price.
1 September 2019, 11:51

Probably the same guy I was gonna get that conversion from, but he sold it before I had the extra money.
1 September 2019, 16:11

I think I know the guy you are talking about Nathan, if it is the same guy, I buy a ton of stuff from him.
2 September 2019, 01:54
Album info
Part of the 2019 F-111 Group build, Found here
Scalemates Varkfest Group build 2019 (0., )
Ordered as started, 13 and counting - this one plus:
F-111 C by Kerry Cox - RAAF. F-111 C | Album by RedRoo
F-111G by Slavo -F-111G at speed | Album by slavatarko (1:48)
F-111E by Hans Robben - | Album by
F111F by Hans Robben - | Album by
F-111G by Michael Hickey - Australian F-111G Pig 6 Sqn | Project by mikestomcat (1:48)
F-111E by Donald Dickson II - F-111E | Album by smokeriderdon (1:48)
FB-111A by Clifford Keesler - F-111 group build | Album by stormrider509 (1:48)
F-111A by Urban Gardini in 1:72 - F-111A 474th TFW, 429th TFS-Takhli, Thailand 1972 | Album by McCoy (1:72)
EF-111A by BAT21 - scalemate