USS Washington (BB-56, 11/1942), Trumpeter
Photo 1 of 7
3 9 July 2019, 20:23

Current state of the build. Approx. 85 % of the "Kirishima Killer" complete.
9 July 2019, 21:19

A small progress, all the 5'', 1.1'' and Oerlikon cannons in place.
10 August 2019, 10:29

Rigging done. What remains is the Mk 9 spotting glass on a top of the conning tower, the rear Mk 4 radar, anchor chains, railings, flags, OS2U..
23 August 2019, 16:22

Thank you, Dave! It's the UNI-Caenis 20 Denier thread (it's a synthetic monofilament and as such it can be tightened using heat).
23 August 2019, 18:03

Basically done. Some minor adjustments will happen yet (the 48-star flag instead of the current one etc.). I'll try to place the appropriate rank flag as well, as it is almost impossible to have this ship not connected with RADM Lee.
What really remains is the crew and the waterbase...
5 December 2019, 19:38

Wow! On that first picture I could have sworn it was 1/350! Amazing! 👍
5 December 2019, 19:46