7 16 September 2019, 09:11

Ah ha... Where is the low flying enemy aircraft ? Hidden in the clouds maybe... I really love the way your little people seem so real. The gestures are so natural.
16 September 2019, 10:58

Thanks a lot mates! Olivier, your compliment on the figures goes to the Tamiya sculptor.
17 September 2019, 15:43

Tamiya sculptor pieces in my hands will no be even a quarter of the results you got.... stunning as always, and fantastic photography as usual. I really like pics 5, 9 and 12
23 September 2019, 18:19

Wie immer ganz toll geworden, das Modell, die Figuren und auch die Fotos! 👍 👍 👍
23 September 2019, 20:39

Tamiya sculptor pieces in my hands will no be even a quarter of the results you got.... stunning as always, and fantastic photography as usual. I really like pics 5, 9 and 12
24 September 2019, 13:11

Fantastic job! 👍 Photos look great also! I especially like no 12, very realistic.
30 September 2019, 07:32

Diorama greatness once again! Top execution all around and Neuling I really think your shots & perspectives are getting better & better still - some of these pics definitely have a war-reporter photo feeling to them in perspective and dynamics... 👍 Of course one has to build the ingredients for that in the model, but the pics add yet another level 👍 👍
I also was not aware that the Wehrmacht was using artillery periscopes (?) for short-range AA? Was this common practice (when time/profile of approach of the aircraft allowed?)? Or are they providing fire support against ground targets & measure the distance? 🙂
30 September 2019, 08:56

Slavo, if you mean the guy standing on the tank, he is not using a periscope but a range finder.
30 September 2019, 09:07

@Olivier Thanks for the explanation I asked myself the same thing. 👍
@Slavo Still the best comment reviews here on scalemates! 👍
30 September 2019, 12:38

Thank you mates for thinking about and watching my stuff. Der Geschützführer/Panzerkommandant ermittelte mit dem Raumbildentfernungsmesser die Entfernung zu einem potentiellen Zielobjekt und gab dem Richtschützen bei passender Kampfentfernung den Feuerbefehl. Bei frontal anfliegendem Tieffflieger hieß es für den Richtschützen auch ohne Befehl "Feuer frei!" und für den Kommandanten "volle Deckung!".
30 September 2019, 18:03

In summary then...:
Geschützführer drauf = enjoy the summer day...
Geschützführer weg = Schei**e!!!
The beauty of scalemates - having fun & learning new stuff...😉
30 September 2019, 18:26

I don't know how I missed this one earlier. Nice work all-around Neuling. From the finish on the vehicle, to the great figures and on top of that great pictures as well. Couldn't ask for more.
30 September 2019, 18:45

Thanks Nathan! Slavo, you are the best qualified author to rewrite the "Schießvorschrift der Artillerie" (HDv 266/1) for the Bundeswehr. The booklet will shrink from 192 pages to 20 and be understandable to every soldier.
1 October 2019, 17:50