Fouga Magister Constructions 1/72

Picture 4 states ordinary French. That is just not possible. French is never ordinary. As a neighbour you must know that... 😉

That is why I decided to refurbish it, just like the ordinary Belgian in picture 3. I hope you like the new outfit.

Ha! Famous randomisation of the content - Mistercraft's trademark😉 Interesting idea for paint removal, need to note it somewhere.

Nr. 2 Airfix refurbished as Lebanese : decals from Special Hobby kit, wingpanels rescribed

Fouga Magister nr 6 - Algeria - finished : Heller kit, canopy modified with spare parts from Special Hobby, decals Special Hobby kit

Thank you Stephan, I have 8 more in the pipeline, including two German

after weeks working on home made decals, back to plastic : this will be a "flying" Fouga

Some progress on refurbishing the old Airfix and starting a SH simple set. The purpose is to build an early armed Belgian Fouga, which had most probably the larger tiptanks supplied in the Heller kit.

Thank you, Nikolaos, I used AK Xtreme metal paint in my airbrush, and it went very smootly. I have now 7 Fougas under construction, so still a lot of work to go, especially with some tiny parts and the decals.

One more finished : Heller kit with Special Hobby spare decals

One more finished : Belgian special colours, Heller kit, smd leds ans selfmade decals

Watching, for some time now, this entire collection series unfold with great interest... A work of love for the cute little Fouga... More, please!

Merci Olivier & Niko. Thanks for the interest, Alex, keep watching I have some 10 more in the pipeline ...

Hi- I'm a newbie on here but I love this display concept, it's really imaginative! Also loving the Fouga, I've plans down the road to add one to my Jan Zumbach collection, if I can verify that he actually flew one for the Katangese.

I'll check it out again, Gary, just to be certain, but my impression is that he didn't - his involvement in Katanga had mainly to do with T-6s plus other propeller types (Dove, C-47, Tri-pacer...). Of course the Katangan Fouga is always an interesting subject, for various reasons, and Erik's Fouga collection is an inspiration to us all 🙂 I might be tempted for a Katangan one myself, one day, along with one of the ex-Austrian ones that never made it to Biafra...

According to what I have found , the Katangan Fouga(s) were flown only by Belgian pilots.

Thanks both. This seems to be my finding too. I'm really reliant And thankful to Alex and his translation from the French Zumbach book.

Two naval versions finally completed : The German Marine Fouga (für Stephan) and the French Marine Zéphyr (pour Olivier)

Hi Erik. Your lovely collection continues to grow. I have a real soft spot for this little plane, which I didn't even know existed until I started reading up on Katanga. Looking good 👍 All the best.

Ah ha Erik, a nice Marine Fouga dedicated to me... You make me blush. Thanks a lot for the kind intention.

One more finished: Gabonese Presidential Guard: Valom kit modified with spares from Special Hobby, Max Decals, brown wash for tropical look.

Hi Erik. Great stuff. You're still working your way down the African continent I see. Cant wait for that Katanganese Fouga to appear one day.

Me too (re the Katangese - BTW, definitely no Zumbach connection there, he arrived in Katanga later). For the time being, thumbs up 👍 👍 to Eric for the Gabonese example, nice one!

To be honest Gary & Alek, the Katangese is not on my priority list, first because I do not have the decals for it (yet), and secondly there are more interesting African paint schemes like Togo and Uganda. But thanks for following. It goes slowly , as there are several tiny bits and decals to be added before the model is reasonably complete. Still 6 kits in my stash.

One more finished: the Bangla Desh version, I actually refurbished the previuously built Airfix kit.

The production can resume, as my extra decal sheets have arrived.
@ Nikolaos : I hope you don't have too much trouble with the heat and forest fires in Greece

Problem with AK real color lacquer based acrylic. It attacks the previous layer of paint

I have had issues like this. It seems to depend on how cured the bottom layer is and how "wet" the top layer is. Airbrushing a thin layer is a lot different than using a brush.
Album info
I have some old models of Fouga Magister. They are all Airfix ones, but I also bought a bunch of newer kits : Heller, Valom and Special Hobby and I have a Max Decal sheet. I intend to "refurbish" the Airfix models, stripping of the paint and using extra parts (canopies) of the Valom and Special Hobby .
The Airfix kit is outdated, but still available with decals for an Irish and Belgian MT35 Fouga. It is the only kit with pilots.
The Heller kit is an easy one, the main improvement is to rescribe the wing panel lines, which are raised on the kit. The kit has both the large and small tip tanks. It is still available with Patrouille de France decals. The sprues have also be kitted by Mistercraft, no copy this time, with decals for 6 versions, but these are rubbish.
The Valom is the most expensive and seems to be more difficult to build: the instructions are not very clear, I do not like very much the small PE parts , and there a no location pins on the parts. There are also some resin parts and 4 canopies : one closed, one open and two vacforms. These can be used to improve the Heller and Airfix kits. The kit has been issued in 6 boxes with different decals for Belgium, Israel, Austria and Brazil (very basic) , Germany, France, Finland and Eire.
The sprues have been re-issued by KP with a small sprue replacing some of the PE and resin parts, and boxed in 3 versions: one with decals for Israel, one with decals for Cambodia, Algeria and El salvador, and one with decals for France, Finland and Bundesmarine.
The SH kit is the most detailed, but as the sprues are designed for several versions, including the Zephyr, the construction is complicated. Lots of spare parts though to improve other kits. The kit has been boxed with different decals and some extra resin parts in 5 versions : one with decals for 5 Israelis, one Finland, Austria and Bundesmarine (again) , one for France , Belgium or Ireland, one for Marocco, Libanon, Algeria or Uganda , and finally one for the Zephyr.
And if you are lucky to have the Max Decals (as I am) , there are extra decals for Eire, Senegal, Bangla Desh, Togo, El salvador, Marocco, Libanon, Katanga, Finland, Algeria, Germany , Gabon.