10. PL-01 Prototype
Photo 1 of 40
1 31 October 2019, 22:13

In October I unfortunately had no time for model making, except for the visit of the SMC. That's why I would like to start some new project in November. Actually, I said I always want to finish each project before I start on the next, but now I just need something new for my salvation. The EBR is just parked - not scrapped! So now it's time to move on from the past and the present into the future with the PL-01 Prototype. I have a great idea and hope I can realize it well. Keep one's fingers crossed!😉
31 October 2019, 22:14

Then let's get started! As always we start with the wheels. And again Takom has added some art of jig for the track assembly to the kit, which can also be used to align the wheel brackets to the hull.
1 November 2019, 15:54

Slowly the routine starts to work when assembling tracks. The links really fit together perfectly and the result looks absolute fine.
2 November 2019, 14:29

The lower hull stands so far. I think the wheels & tracks looks really good. Unfortunately you will hardly see them at the end through the side skirts.
3 November 2019, 14:51

Thanks Moritz & Murad! 👍
Unfortunately, the upper and lower hull do not fit together very well or there is a visible gap at the end. With such a modern (stealth) tank, I can not stop filling it with putty to get a nice transition.
4 November 2019, 14:44

Nice work so far. Started this one too. thanks for leading the way 😉. What camo will you apply to this one?
4 November 2019, 15:45

Holger and Roland, you'll have to come to agree! 😄
@Bart: The camo will be a surprise.😉
4 November 2019, 20:22

The machine gun system looks great and the assembly of the smoke grenade launchers was never so easy. 👍
5 November 2019, 14:21

It is indeed an easy assembly for a complicated unit. I removed one of the tabs that hold the gun into place for ease of painting. That way I can still remove the gun...
5 November 2019, 14:51

@Bart: Do it the same way! 👍
First work at the turret. Unfortunately, a lot of putty work has to be done here again.
6 November 2019, 14:30

Thanks peeps, I'm a big Scify-Fan and this tank is very kind to me!
8 November 2019, 19:47

The model is now ready for some color.
The paint has come the days, but I will have to do some tests before I apply it to the model.
8 November 2019, 19:48

After a lot of color testing, the gray primer now comes on the model.
13 November 2019, 14:35

Now it's time to put what I've tried on the spoon on the model. This time the correct masking is very important. Maybe you can see slowly what i'm going to do?
15 November 2019, 14:17

The first paint step is done and I am satisfied with the result. Let's see who finds out what I intend to do?
17 November 2019, 14:14

@Murad: Good idea, the Party hard tank! 😄
@Nathan: you are on a good way, it has to do with the future
@Bart: because you see the wave-form, but it's wrong.😉
18 November 2019, 09:18

could be with the sand sticking to the side... bit strange too for anti-slip coating, because it's on the lower surfaces.... so some zimmerit like stuff then maybe...
18 November 2019, 09:49

No Bart and here come the next step: Masking some hexagons. For this I will use for the first time the airbrush masks of Solidscale. I hope I get it as I imagined.
18 November 2019, 14:58

Oooh I've been wanting to do something with hexagonal camouflage.
18 November 2019, 18:44

@Bart: Nope! 😄
@Chaz: Good choice, a composite armor has brought me to this idea. 👍
@Nathan: this will only indirectly a hexagonal camouflage, but you'll see that for yourself.😉
18 November 2019, 22:25

This time I have to be really careful when masking, so that everything becomes straight, so that in the end it results in a good overall picture.
19 November 2019, 16:45

Thank you Nathan! 👍
The "Hexagon Protection Shield" has found its way on the tank!
20 November 2019, 16:43

I can imagine all ballistic weapons being vaporized harmlessly above the tank.
20 November 2019, 18:03

Guys, you are on the right way, the blue hexagons should represent an energy shield!😉
21 November 2019, 00:23

Wow! Looking great! Very nice work... Can I ask: how did the kit go together? Any issues? Keep up the good work!!
21 November 2019, 05:32

And the sparkles, the metallic particles lifted and held in suspension from the ground by said field?
21 November 2019, 06:30

@Johnny: Nice & easy kit, but the fitting was not perfect, so I must do some putty work.
@Chaz & Paul: The "Magic Star Dust" should represent an invisible mode.😉
21 November 2019, 14:47

Ah, cloaking device in the process of raising, gotcha. Here's a thought, replace the extremities with clear plastic (ie the mud gard tips, and the end of the barrel.)
21 November 2019, 18:55

This video was put up by Bart on Lode's ship build thread, but I think it applies here:
Youtube Video

21 November 2019, 22:42

Here comes the solution of my idea behind this project. Actually only some of you have found out what my intention was with this model design. It represents an invisible & energy shield building up from the bottom to top. The invisible mode is represented by the colorshift metal color, which melts all contours to a pulp. The protective energy shield is represented by the bluish hexagons, as known from space ships in various scify movies. The idea behind it took shape in my head during the construction. I really had to think long and hard about how to do this on a model, simply because I didn't find any reference material for it. So you have to feel your way very slowly so that you don't mess it up. So far I am quite satisfied with the result, even if there are some things that still need to be improved. But I'm not finished yet, there are still some steps I've already worked out in my head, but I don't know yet how I can put them into practice. Keep your fingers crossed for me and please be a little more patient than usual.
22 November 2019, 14:16

Andreas, that's a super cool idea, and so far the execution looks great as well. The wavy top edge of the metallic paint creates the illusion that it's "building up" well. I'm a big fan of the hexagons, too!
22 November 2019, 14:50

Test painting for a better transition, which should represent the building up of the cloaking field.
26 November 2019, 19:44

Adding a little more blue (on the upper side skirt) for a nicer transition.
28 November 2019, 15:10

I added some white paint, I hope the contrast is not too strong?
29 November 2019, 14:22

Very cool and very unique! You've inspired me to pick up this kit, Andreas!!! Keep up the great work, brother!
30 November 2019, 00:34

Thanks John! 👍
I had some time and have now painted the transition around the whole tank.
5 December 2019, 20:46

So far so good. The first stage of the painting is ready. Next are chipping, clear varnish, weathering and 1-2 special effects on the tank. Let's hope everything works out the way I imagined it would.
6 December 2019, 14:46

Thanks Paul! 👍
Some of you have asked me how I came up with the idea of this project, here is my inspiration - two things that have given me the direction. Once a modern shield what the heat signature of the tank completely disappear or can change. And then an invisibility cloak from Warhammer 40K and its implementation. Two different things combined into one idea.😉
7 December 2019, 14:44

That's what I call a futuristic project, great paint job. More pics from the sniper, please 🙂
8 December 2019, 08:33

The sniper, is it a scratchbuild or can I buy it in a shop? Many THX 🙂
8 December 2019, 09:46

Thanks John, Chris & Torsten. Yes it's a SciFy/Future tank project and I hope it will looks good at the end.😉
8 December 2019, 12:53

I think the paint-work is looking just great!
Torsten: I think that figure is a Cadian Sniper or Scout Sniper from Warhammer 40K:
8 December 2019, 15:01

Thanks Nathan, I think you're right. Hmh, they are in 28mm, I thought the figure is in 54mm.
8 December 2019, 18:53

I have no idea what this is for a special sniper figure?
this picture is only found on the internet, here the front: imgur.com/HP3cZ8e
8 December 2019, 21:06

What a wicked sniper, he looks like the last thing you'll ever see 😄... No info on him, sorry.
8 December 2019, 21:13

Wow, this really is something different! Guess it must be good fun trying and combining all these different techniques and ideas - looking great so far & I wonder where the journey will go... 🙂 The figure according to my best knowledge is a Warhammer 40.000 space marine scout - quite fitting to the setting...!
8 December 2019, 21:16

Thanks Slavo (best commentator here on scalemates) 👍
Ad some shadows for the hexagon energy field and the surface doesn't look so flat anymore. The whole thing is only slightly hinted, but it loosens up the overall picture a bit and gives the surface some depth. I drew the shadow with a dark grey colored pencil.
9 December 2019, 14:41

Wow those shadows on the hex camo make it look even more outstanding! I think I'm in love...
9 December 2019, 15:55

3D shadowed pencil artworks just tend to have that effect... 😉 👍
9 December 2019, 16:20

Sorry my friends, but I've been very busy the last two weeks in job and privately, so I really don't have much time for my hobby. But I could start with the chipping at the turret.
15 December 2019, 18:12

interesting camo pattern, impressive how you`ve used the masks!- nice result!
31 October 2021, 15:09