Northrop Gamma, Polar Star NR-12269 (1935)
30 31 March 2020, 17:40

The next project?!? In the time I need to think about a detail, Bernhard is doing a COMPLETE kit, including additional and corrected details!
1 April 2020, 18:18

Wunderbar Bernhard! Hab meine als "Sky Chief" in der Vitrine, ist aber schon letztes Jahrtausend gebaut. Deine wird natürlich besser, ich freu mich drauf!!
2 April 2020, 14:50

Moin Thomas. Nix da: Fotos her bitte bitte. Ist ein Schmankerl wie ich dich kenne🙂
2 April 2020, 15:55

Ok, so this is the correct thread for progress comments for this project... 🙂
Lovely progress & composite engine build & I'm happy to see you up-cycling used electronics - I added a few components from an old cell-phone to my Su-34, mostly lenses, it was some good fun!
Looking forward what detail hotspots you will find on this build! 👍
2 April 2020, 18:56

Welcome Slavo. Indeed it's a lot of electronics parts which we can use.
On the wing top side they are several oval reinforcement sheets. The shape is the problem here: how to represent this in 1:72, because the shape masking and airbrushing with Surfacer 500 is impossible. The thinnest plastic is 0,13 mm thick and three times too thick. What to do? I secured the entire surface left and right of the oval panel with Tesa (0,07 mm.). And sanded the sheet down to 0,07 mm. It's still actually too thick but I'm happy with the result.
3 April 2020, 13:39

Bernhard, do you know that beauty? Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin (Small Stuff 72115, 1:72)
Well, this seems to evolve again into a great show 👍
3 April 2020, 18:31

Hab schon mal von der Firma gehört aber nichts in der Hand gehalten. Sieht gigantisch aus, zumindest in dem 3D Preview. Hast du etwas davon mal live gesehen? Bisher habe ich den 1830 von Aires verwendet. Wäre interessant zu vergleichen.
3 April 2020, 18:40

DAS ist Small Stuff! That is really the best resin and the best engineered kits I ever had! All the rotary engines of my WWI biplanes are from Small Stuff, around 15 until now (ok, there is one exception: the Siemens-Schuckert was from Eduard, but can't beat the others). Luckily 9 types are already available in 1/48. In 1/72 I have only one used until now, in my Fokker D.VIII Strip down. Eugeny (the guy behind this company from Israel) is doing a fantastic job, I never had a single bubble in the parts.
I'm sure the R-1830 will be great as well!
3 April 2020, 19:13

Great,solution on improving the aileron fillet ! A hell of a riveting and scribing job !
5 April 2020, 17:40

Almost a pity you have to paint all these veritable proofs of scratch-modeling and creative competence... But then, it will look great once you do that... 🙂 👍
6 April 2020, 19:31

That's why we all take some many WIP pics, so nobody can say after painting: "Yeah, yeah, it must have been like that on the sprues already" 😛
6 April 2020, 20:33

Give Bernhard a flat plastic wing & 2 fuselage halves and he hands you back this...😉
11 April 2020, 18:18

Northrop Gamma is a one of very early airplanes constructed completely of aluminum. The fuselage has a very interesting structure, a bit different compared with the later structures such the DC-3. The fuselage is constructed of small aluminum overlapping strips, riveted to the longitudinal stringers.
The kit is a typical 70s kit and offers fine raised panel lines. Very early I decided to create a new surface. Because I hate engraving recessed panel lines (which are wrong anyway in case of Gamma), I started doing it right from the start: masked and airbrushed Mr. Surface 500. This is also much easier and yields better results.
18 April 2020, 07:26

Like a classic wooden boat with overlapping ( „klinker" ) planking. Clever solution !
18 April 2020, 09:23

I like your paneling technique using Mr.Surfacer and masks. Very effective, and rather underutilized by modelers IMO. Very inspirational as always 👍
18 April 2020, 11:34

OK, so you are basically replicating the "klinker" build technique of a Norse ship on a plane... in 1:72... scratch... 😮 👍 I am watching anxiously from a safe distance... 😉
18 April 2020, 16:23

Thank you Hanno and Slavo.
This task was easier than expected and no "Hexenwerk"🙂. I needed only two days for the complete fuselage minus two rows on the underside and the large wingroot fairings. I shot both last pics with diagonal light from above ("Streiflicht", highlight). It looks exactly as hoped and expected. I think each edge is about 0,05 mm and exactly correct for this scale.
18 April 2020, 16:52

For Streiflicht Uncle Google says "highlight"😉
"Two days only" makes me consider myself utterly impatient 😄
18 April 2020, 16:59

Thanks Łukasz. Two days: I meant not two complete days but ON TWO DAYS, about 3-4 hours🙂
18 April 2020, 17:04

Thank you Hanno and Burkhard. Paneling is now completed. As next: glass parts.
20 April 2020, 09:08

Are you going to use Mr.Surfacer or some other method on the clear parts too to simulate the metal frame? This build just provokes questions like this...😉
20 April 2020, 21:12

@ Łukazs : Unfortunately not to my credit. Motto of Disney's Gyro Gearloose (Daniel Düsentrieb) in German translation by Erika Fuchs. Couldn't be more appropriate than in Berhard's case, don't you think ?
21 April 2020, 09:12

THX Mates🙂
Slavo: just printed out the template and cutted & folded the two trepezoid glas parts. They are damn small!! I will be happy if i manage to mask them...
21 April 2020, 14:09

Glas parts: not really good yet but a good start. The rails are 0,3 x 0,3 mm and still too thick🙁. So tomorrow I will rework this.
21 April 2020, 17:29

Christ! How do you make 0.3 x 0.3mm any thinner?, electron microscopy?....
21 April 2020, 18:22

I was just about to complain about the rails....... 🙂 congrats for the clear parts ! Excellent !
21 April 2020, 18:46

On any other model I´d say going for the rails at all is an extra mile already, but here, with the remaining finesse of (99% your own scratch-made) details I tend to agree... maybe go for thin wire instead of sheet? (wire and oil-paint are my 2 standard final-level heroes I summon to solve each and every problem...😉 )
22 April 2020, 15:53

Andy: to be honest I have a couple of pet ants. They are building the really small stuff for me.🙂
22 April 2020, 20:12

Fantastic progress ... wow
You bring this old veteran Kit to a new Level...👍
22 April 2020, 20:15

Today I tried out a new technology for making windows. I'm very happy with the result.
23 April 2020, 16:20

WTF is Tesatape Herr Ingeniör?😉 Is it the transparent one? And what do you use to glue the transparency to the fuselage?
23 April 2020, 20:18

It took me a while to really understand what, how & why, but I think I got it!!! I'll probably better never go to 72-scale, it does not seem healthy...😉 😄
The whole thing is so fine-tuned, detailed and micro-riveted I'd really be affraid to spray color on it to cover something up... 👍
23 April 2020, 20:55

Moin moin Mates (Jungs🙂). Thx for nice comments.
Lukasz: this is the transparent one (taśma klejąca, biurowa Tesa), see last pic.
Slavo: hast Recht. Es wird nicht einfach sein, die Strukturen zu erhalten bzw. sie nicht mit Farbe zuzukleistern. Zum Glück habe ich noch genug vom Sealer (Tastors, für Metalizer), den ich mit der Metalizer Pigmentpampe der eigentlichen Metalizern mische und so eine gut deckende und blitzartig trocknende „Alu Farbe" erhalte, die nicht zukleistert und sich auch noch polieren und schleifen lässt. Durch den Sealer hat die Mischung auch nich eine gewisse Füllkraft (Riefen!!). So muss ich nicht mühselig die Oberfläche vor dem Lackieren polieren.
24 April 2020, 04:51

Tesa tape windows - update: yesterday I noticed that both windows have a "lens" effect (because the inner two Tesa tape layers are obviously to "strong" for the sole outer Tesa tape layer). I solved the problem with replacing the inner Tesa with thin bend plastic (aprox. 0,28 mm thick).
25 April 2020, 07:17

Aren't you afraid the tape will get yellow sooner than the other transparencies?
25 April 2020, 08:24

The first time I tried this technique about 19 years ago (Ford Trimitor) and I cannot notice any yellow effect (just checked in the vitrine)🙂.
25 April 2020, 10:23

Dull aluminum in place. Tried a more one new technique: added about 5-10% Mr. Surfacer 500 to my favorite Aluminum mix (33% Testors alu Metalizer, 33% Testors Sealer and 33% Mr. Metall Alminute). All sanding scratches are filled but all rivets remains visible.😉
25 April 2020, 10:31

I find it very interesting, did you seal with some anti-UV stuff or is it just like that? 🙂
BTW. This Ford is either 1/77 or 1/78😉
25 April 2020, 11:20

Beautiful skis, now this bird is ready for the snow in may.....🙂
What is the solid looking attachement block for the legs made of, ome solid piece, filed into shape, or planked construction ?
27 April 2020, 05:41

I built this model OOB in the late nineties in the days where internet was just starting and there weren't many references online.
I'm really enjoying looking at this lovely plane coming together superbly. Thanks also for all the tips you make available. I'm learning a lot from these now that I'm back to modelling after a 20-year break. It's very clean and you make it look easy.
27 April 2020, 06:23

Thank you Hanno and LucLuke. The attachment blocks are made of solid 4x2,5 mm rod. War kein Hexenwerk🙂
27 April 2020, 08:55

So no composite glass-fiber laminated snowboards this time? 🙂 I guess most people would be happy to just put them together, some could have added little pin-holes as riveting, but here we see "positive" plastic rivets to hold leg & ski together... 👍
Also the windows have turned out seriously nice and realistic... Even the blackness you see through corresponds 100% with the museum title pic!😉😉
27 April 2020, 09:24

Thanks Hanno. The technology is called "paint shmiering & verwishing"🙂.
Base coat of middle brown at first and a mix of dark green matt and brown at last. Works preferably with a old and ruptured brush🙂
28 April 2020, 15:32

I'm trapped in an infinite loop, I have to say it again: What a clean build! 👍
28 April 2020, 16:53

There are very good news: despite their age the decals worked very well. For extra safety I brushed a thin coat MS decal film before applying.
I'm also in a loop: Thank you bughunter🙂
28 April 2020, 18:16

Bughunter du sagst es - damn, schaut die Kennzeichung gut aus !
29 April 2020, 08:40

There are good news again: I managed to apply all decals without damage🙂 The long elements I divided for better handling.
29 April 2020, 18:03

fantastic project! I tried to google the last ingredient of your metal mix and get some sort of polishing compound.....that's not right is it? [img1]
29 April 2020, 18:18

Wim, it's not exactly🙂
C218 Aluminium, Mr. Color Metallic, Lacquer, 10ml
Try this.
29 April 2020, 19:32

Ja, solche Teile baut nur der Bernhard. Ein Modell, das man aufgrund der Details, immer wieder betrachten muss. 👍
1 May 2020, 13:17

Like Bernhard said: Absolutely unique ! This degree of detailing on shortrun quality in this tiny scale is simply incomparable
Chapeau !
1 May 2020, 13:27

What, already done? That is an absolute beautiful model 👍 Fantastic work, mate!
1 May 2020, 13:45

Magnificient result with rather not state of the art kit...
The step by step How-To "Picture Book" with explanation added in the pics lets one take part with the pogress and learn a lot.
Thanks Benhard 👍
1 May 2020, 15:30

I enjoyed following that and am sad it's already finished, I liked the waiting for the next episode. Lovely delicate work, you're a wizard.
1 May 2020, 16:10

Impressive model and allways helpfull discription of the building progress 👍
1 May 2020, 18:16

The North pole has been conquered - and it's a no small feat!😉
I really have no idea what more (in the human-eye visible range) could be added here... a very cool plane presented with every bit of Inginöring competence! 👍
1 May 2020, 18:55

Thanks for watching the South Pole expedition. I now have another expedition across the Pacific planned. 🙂
3 May 2020, 05:37

Very nice build, my compliments!
Imagine trying to land that plane on a white snowy landscape with those little ski's..
3 May 2020, 12:41

Amazing build of a kit I like (and built OOB a while back, when starting modelling again). Such a lovely airplane ! But your build is outstanding.
Can you tell me what material you used for the cockpit canopy, and how you glued it so cleanly ? It is a weak part of the WB kit and a needed improvement if you want to show any of the interior.
12 May 2023, 17:27

Hi Mates. Thank you for you praise / second wave of nice comments. 🙂
Boris: I used 0,28 mm thick PVC / clear material. Please see picture 34 as template.
13 May 2023, 08:36
Album info
There is a very interesting story about this airrplane, described for example in english wiki: