AREA 88: "Mark III" (Panavia Tornado)
3 15 June 2020, 14:23

In the Area 88 manga, Laurent Bosch talks about his time as a member of the mercenary group known as Mark III... a group so ruthless that he even killed his own brother when he stood in the way of mission success. Bosch never mentions what kind of planes they flew... but he never said they DIDN'T fly Panavia Tornados. And, since I have two orphan kits in the stash, well, why not let Area 88 adopt them, right?😉
15 June 2020, 14:28

And.... here we go - the beginning of the "Area 88 PLUS" collection... we should have seen this coming, no? 🙂 👍 👍
15 June 2020, 18:02

I've decided this in one of the "survival kit" kits that I'll stuff in my pocket when I make my big move next month. I'm trying to clear off the workbench, before everything needs to be packed up and shipped, but I'm selecting a couple... well, few... kits to bring with me. I'll also have a selection of essential tools in my little "doctor's bag" to tide me over until all my goodies finally arrive.
24 June 2020, 23:40

Good question, the optimistic estimate is about 2 months... so the plan is to ship stuff one month before we leave and then we'll only have to wait a month (2 weeks of that in quarantine) when we get to Canada. So I'm trying to figure out what I can reasonably hand carry on the plane.
The problem is mostly defining the word "reasonably" since we seem to have more than one definition in my house at the moment.😉
24 June 2020, 23:47

good luck with that😉
i wish you a pleasant and uneventful move... and patience with quarantine. i assume you have some stuff at home? hobby knives and paint will be an "challenging"carry one luggage....
25 June 2020, 00:00

well, I did think to pack them in the suitcase... or strapped to my ankle holster.😉
25 June 2020, 00:08

many paints are categorized as "flamable, so if they check your luggage, specially at departure, you may never see them again..... but i guess you know that
25 June 2020, 09:50

this Mark III idea of yours isnt that bad, and the F-16A with the smurf on the tail you mentioned i built does seem to fit it.
i still have a spare EA-6B prowler and a few SAAB Viggens and gripens on order, might just do a something similar. i have a large stock of nail decals from aliexpress, i was planning on using them for this purpose.
2 July 2020, 10:20

Spanjaard's right, Tamiya won't make it through Airport baggage search, Vallejo would if you include an MSDS sheet with them. Basically, Water based OK, everything else Nooooooo.
Also, beware any kind of Battery, Lithium Ion is a no go (unless in a laptop, tablet or vape carried in carry on), anything else other than lead acid, is ok if not connected and protected from shorting, but put a note in the container with them stating the battery type and OK for Air Transport.
Any kind of tools are normally prohibited from Carry On, whether sharp or blunt. Also, no fur lined handcuffs😉
2 July 2020, 10:37

we are going to end up flying naked and needing the pay the air we breath
2 July 2020, 11:30

haha, used to manage airport security. furry handcuffs was one of the most confiscated prohibited items.
2 July 2020, 21:42

ha ha, no, never flew when them. i like the buses with wheels, not wings
2 July 2020, 23:16

This thread has kind of taken on a life of its own. Most of my modelling stuff will get packed away and shipped by sea. I'm just plotting for a survival kit (pun intended) to bring with me in my checked luggage.
3 July 2020, 12:45

i wa quite inspired by your idea, and i have a number of spare planes aswell, these im gonna use in my Area 88 2.0 project. i believe you will like it 🙂
9 July 2020, 08:48

Sign me up for that Nils! I also have an (old) idea (that I haven't forgotten) to re-imagine the iconic Area 88 planes as WWII "equivalents". So... a A6M Zero for Shin, and F7F Tigercat for Mickey... a P-47 Thunderbolt for Greg, etc... I already built Shin's Crusader as a Corsair... but I'd like a do-over on that one.😉
9 July 2020, 13:09