Space Shuttle Orbiter "Discovery"
16 18 June 2020, 10:33

Yes, it is a mix of pigments and dry brushing. I know it would have been better to make a real entry into the earth's atmosphere for the grime effects, but I had no booster rockets to get up into space. 😉
27 June 2020, 06:14

Very good job! How did you solve the TPM? I'm just starting with this one, and not sure how to approach it. Your looks perfect!
8 June 2021, 08:32

Thank you all. I made a build review in a German community, there you can find some hints on my method to make the TPM surface:
8 June 2021, 16:54
Album info
Echte Hintergründe oder Dioramen sind nicht so meins (schon aufgrund von Platzproblemen), gerade beim Thema Space. Daher muss Paint Shop herhalten, um die Modelle freizustellen.