Marco Amerio Ауторadded other photos
11 November 2020, 17:49
Rui SVery Nice work 👍
11 November 2020, 21:51
NeulingGood build of an interesting tank!
12 November 2020, 10:09
James CVery nice work Marco, I like that and one that I don't currently have. 👍
12 November 2020, 17:24
David TaylorNot sure if they put the turret on a Crusader chassis,I do know the had another one called the Archer.
12 November 2020, 21:06
Marco Amerio АуторThat One was with the 17 pounder
13 November 2020, 08:51
Robertugly but cool... well done...
13 November 2020, 09:05
Rui SI've this kit. Any issues that you might remember?
13 November 2020, 10:36
Marco Amerio Ауторthe turret doesnt match but some putty will do the job
13 November 2020, 13:15
Rui S👍
13 November 2020, 14:50
Ian GascoigneThe Bishop and Archer were built on the Valentine chassis.
2 October 2021, 08:43