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99+34 Can it?


19 18 December 2020, 18:25
James C
Cool choice Augie. I have the B(I)8 kit put away that I hope to do in an RNZAF scheme at some point so will be watching👍
Beware that it's a notorious tail sitter😉
 18 December 2020, 19:57
Augie Аутор
Welcome Gents 🙂

James 🙂 dont worry I built one years ago of these.. Got an idea of weight needed by what failed on that one.
 18 December 2020, 20:03
James C
I'm still trying to figure out how to squeeze a house brick into that airframe to keep the nose wheel planted!😉
 18 December 2020, 20:33
Augie Аутор
I'm currently thinking old battery.. something along C size
 18 December 2020, 20:34
James C
Positioned in the forward end of the bomb bay? Yeah that might work.👍
 18 December 2020, 20:36
Augie Аутор
Well I was going to put it as far forward as I could.. so on top of the front wheel bay if I can
 18 December 2020, 20:42
Augie Аутор
Uploaded a pic with the weight in.. its nose heavy now.. glad I didnt need the bomb bay
 19 December 2020, 11:41
Augie, DO NOT use a battery, it will ruin your work after years! The battery will be completely empty, and then the wet electrolyte will find a way out and will ruin your model!
 19 December 2020, 12:29
playtime 222
+1 Bughunter
 19 December 2020, 13:02
Ben M
maybe instead of a battery - milliput putty with nuts and bolts stuck in it might be better?
 19 December 2020, 14:03
good choice in model, but i would also rather screw than old battery
 19 December 2020, 15:42
Augie Аутор
Okies, thanks guys, will rethink it
 19 December 2020, 15:45
Stefan Schacht
nice start, count me in
 19 December 2020, 15:52
Augie Аутор
Attempt 2.. old airgun pellets.. lead
 19 December 2020, 16:16
James C
Great idea to use the pellets👍
 19 December 2020, 16:33
David Taylor
Quite a few of mine have old coins superglued in.
 19 December 2020, 18:59
Augie Аутор
Yeah I did that with the old B(I) 8 I did, but not enough, so this time she will sit on her wheels and not on her arse.
 19 December 2020, 19:20
Augie Аутор
One quick dry run on the undercarriage legs.. and the survey says.. she's nose heavy.. she'll sit right.
 19 December 2020, 21:16
Augie Аутор
So Rudder filled of the strange lines.. and then test paint of unused parts and the chosen orange. Turns out I had the right orange for this, shame the pots older than I am but then that is a bonus as its coverage is just sublime.
 20 December 2020, 12:05
Augie Аутор
So its together, now first coat of orange on it.. Strange to see orange on her
 20 December 2020, 23:47
Nathan Dempsey
That paint scheme is going to look sweeeeeeet 🙂
 21 December 2020, 02:03
Augie Аутор
🙂 thanks Nathan, we'll see.. the orange is gonna be easy, the yellow scares the poo out of me
 21 December 2020, 07:19
Łukasz Gliński
133, isn't it?😉 Love the camo choice 👍
 21 December 2020, 09:52
Augie Аутор
133? in what way?
 21 December 2020, 11:40
Augie Аутор
Ohhh lol thought he was referring to paint 😄
 21 December 2020, 12:15
Łukasz Gliński
I see the riddle was more complicated than I thought😉
 21 December 2020, 13:09
James C
You don't waste any time do you! It's taking shape very quickly.👍
 21 December 2020, 16:38
Augie Аутор
Hi James 🙂

Its a fairly simple kit, fell together which was a nice change lol
 21 December 2020, 17:08
David Taylor
Really agree with the pots of paint,older tins where designed for hairy things not blow things LOL.
 21 December 2020, 17:54
Augie Аутор
Very true David, just wished It was easier to get hold of, I still find some on ebay, but its getting harder.
 21 December 2020, 18:08
David Taylor
Tried other brands but they just don't do it.
 21 December 2020, 19:49
Augie Аутор
Yeah its difficult, I have done a few comparisons of paint on here on various threads.. Will see if I can find them
 21 December 2020, 21:34
Augie Аутор
So incorrect oval vents sanded from canopy, only one to go back on.. Pe.. to clear plastic.. this aint gonna go well.
 22 December 2020, 22:58
Augie Аутор
Busy busy busy.. wings have now had first coats, and black stripes are on..
 25 December 2020, 15:40
Augie Аутор
An the Canopy 🙂 its getting there.
 25 December 2020, 17:40
Augie Аутор
A few extra antennae added
 26 December 2020, 19:49
Augie Аутор
Hi Roland, thats just masking tape 🙂 Protecting the fuselage if I have to touch up anything on the top of the wings.

She's now on her wheels and weight wise was perfect, she sat on her wheels properly 🙂
 26 December 2020, 20:23
Augie Аутор
Few more pics of her on her legs and the aerials and the underside.
 26 December 2020, 20:27
David Taylor
Canopy turned out well,no finger prints.
 26 December 2020, 21:18
Augie Аутор
Thanks David, came out better than I expected.. found using future to stick the PE worked nicely.
I think tomorrow will be time to start decals.
 26 December 2020, 21:23
Maciej Bellos
You are THE master of the hairy thing Augie. I can't achieve such a shiny yellow surface with the airbrush. It's unbelievable! Carry on!
 26 December 2020, 21:24
Augie Аутор
Thanks Maciej, Took about 4 coats to get that, Humbrol 69 mixed with retarder and leveller (same as they do for airbrushes) and let it build
 26 December 2020, 21:29
Nathan Dempsey
Always jaw dropping to see Augie's brush work. This is turning into my favorite Canberra paint scheme.
 26 December 2020, 22:19
Augie Аутор
Hi Nathan 🙂 thanks for that, I love the scheme too, its soo unique
 26 December 2020, 22:22
Augie Аутор
Decals going on, some are a little thin, but reparable easily
 27 December 2020, 21:38
Augie Аутор
Door on, airfix decals are utter shit.. but its looking alright i think
 27 December 2020, 22:51
Łukasz Gliński
It is indeed 👍
 28 December 2020, 09:36
Augie Аутор
Thanks Łukasz, much appriciated
 28 December 2020, 11:03
Way to go Augie! Such a large beast! Those upper wing crosses are huge! I thought the Germans used an al orange Canberra, but I am sure that your scheme is also correct. Sort of gives it a split personality! Kind regards, Dutch
 28 December 2020, 14:04
Augie Аутор
Hi Dutch 🙂 thanks m8. Your right, they were orange all over. However 99 + 34 had an accident and caught fire damaging the wings beyond repair. So they bought a pair from the RAF and replaced them.. and didnt repaint lol
 28 December 2020, 14:12
David Taylor
Very prolific building ,always worth watching.
 28 December 2020, 16:01
Augie Аутор
Thanks David 🙂
 28 December 2020, 16:33
Augie Аутор
Canopy outlining done, canberra's have a sealant that runs around the canopy, no decals for it so heres my first attempt putting it on by hand.
 28 December 2020, 18:36
Smashing job!
 28 December 2020, 20:21
Augie Аутор
Thanks dutch 🙂

Tail numbers are on now.. so trying to decide weathering
 28 December 2020, 20:28
Augie Аутор
So as Tyu pointed out to me in PM, I have two too many crosses on the wings... Not sure I can get the crosses up, and to be honest, I kinda like having the 4 on.. thoughts?
 28 December 2020, 23:05
I vote to leave them! They are large to paint over the former 48" RAF roundels. That's my story.
 28 December 2020, 23:23
Ben M
microset claims to remove decals but.... I'd leave it as is, it's a beautiful bird.
 29 December 2020, 00:05
Augie Аутор
Hi Roland, according to the guide, it has two top, two bottom as it would when all over orange.
Dutch, I like your thinking to be honest 🙂
Ben, indeed I have read same, but these decals are really thin

Thanks guys, I'm happy with it with them and as others like em.. they can stay 😄
 29 December 2020, 00:13
James C
Good call Augie. I did something similar to my F-14 and trying to correct it would of caused me more trouble than it was worth. Looking stunning btw👍
 29 December 2020, 19:48
Augie Аутор
Thanks James 🙂

Got a few more decals to go, mainly walkways etc but yeah she looks surprisingly good for un weathered.
 29 December 2020, 19:53
Donald Dickson II
Yep, keep them! LOL Another one of yours I almost missed.
 29 December 2020, 20:08
Augie Аутор
Lol thanks Don 🙂 Yeah I think the news feeds are slightly screwy, I keep almost missing builds too 🤔
 29 December 2020, 21:04
Augie Аутор
So yea, more decals.. turns out after finding a picture of a sister to the wing donor, they had yellow walk ways.. so out comes the thin decal lines and time to make some
 1 January 2021, 00:26
Dave Turner
Worked on these blighters many moons ago. Looking good
 1 January 2021, 00:39
Augie Аутор
Thanks Topsy, I never got to fly in one, but got flown over by enough of them (Wyton)
 1 January 2021, 00:41
Dave Turner
Thats where I worked on them on 360 sqdn. Trying to pin down a T17, they're a bit rare
 1 January 2021, 01:02
Augie Аутор
Ooo small world eh, T.17's rare as the perverbial, some conversion options.. what scale you after? there is a 1:48 one available from a member on here?
 1 January 2021, 02:05
Dave Turner
Lol yes very small. Yes I saw that and it is exactly what I was looking for. However have just ordered the only one I could find from Portugal and for less, including postage, than the member was asking,so thats worked well. Get my Wessie 5 finished and that should arrive just right. So when were you at Wyton Augie?
 1 January 2021, 02:25
Augie Аутор
Oh I've not served, I've lived in the area all my life and spent my first years at the end of alconbury's runway.. thats what got me interested in aircraft 🙂
 1 January 2021, 02:32
Augie! It just keeps getting better & better. I like the walkway lines.
 1 January 2021, 08:50
David Taylor
HNY.I work beside Newcastle airport in the north east and you get all RAF types doing touch and go's,seen everything over the years.
 1 January 2021, 08:56
Dave Turner
Ah Augie a nieghbour of Mr Major lol. Plenty of U2 flying over your house then!
Hi Dave, thats interesting, Newcastle must be a back up airfield for the military then.
 1 January 2021, 13:26
Augie Аутор
Lol yea thats about right Topsy, long time ago before they turned it into a container park.
 1 January 2021, 15:08
Augie Аутор
So more stripes on the other wing, and the cut line around the canopy, had to make my own the kit ones were utter shit, and out of register.
 1 January 2021, 15:09
Augie Аутор
And the replacement bang seat almost ready to go in
 1 January 2021, 15:33
Łukasz Gliński
That looks like a nice seat template for my ex-Frog Canberra😉
 1 January 2021, 16:01
Augie Аутор
Thanks Lukasz, seat is done 🙂
 1 January 2021, 16:12
Augie Аутор
Cockput buttoned together, and.. slight weathering done.. I think she's done!
 2 January 2021, 13:34
Augie Аутор
Thanks Roland 🙂 this one was a lot of fun, I think I need to stick with doing the oddballs
 2 January 2021, 15:41
Just marvelous!
 2 January 2021, 15:50
Augie Аутор
Thanks Dutch 🙂 not bad for an old hairy stick girl lol
 2 January 2021, 16:12
Nathan Dempsey
That's a beautiful result Augie! A real eye catcher!
 2 January 2021, 18:24
Mike Kryza
Well done... as always...😉
 2 January 2021, 18:42
James C
Nice work Augie👍
 2 January 2021, 19:19
Augie Аутор
Thanks Guys 🙂
 2 January 2021, 19:20
Łukasz Gliński
It definitely deserves some "finished" pics 👍
 2 January 2021, 20:14
Augie Аутор
Tis why it has some😉
 2 January 2021, 21:31
playtime 222
Is it just me getting a Matchbox multi-colour kit vibe? 😄
 3 January 2021, 11:55
Augie Аутор
Thanks Playtime 🙂 does kinda have that vibe 🙂
 3 January 2021, 12:17

Project info

58 слике
1:48 English Electric Canberra B.2/B.20/B.62/B(I)6 (Airfix A10101)1:48 BAC/EE Canberra (Model Alliance MA-48142)
English Electric Canberra B Mk.2
DE Bundeswehr Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1956-now)
Erprobungsstelle 61 99+34
1992 Farnborough International Airshow GB
Orange Fueslage, Dark Green over Dark Sea grey

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