USN Wildcat
39 6 February 2021, 16:07

Taking a seat. That canopy frame is a nice touch, it's going to look great.
6 February 2021, 19:41

Looks like. Welcome mates. Not sure I'll go for the open canopy at the end, but let's see how it goes 🙂
6 February 2021, 20:09

Man, you don't waste time. I think you may be done before I cut into mine 😄
I never heard of this company (Design). Do you have any details?
7 February 2021, 00:53

Hi Alec. I usually slow down a lot at the last stages 🙂
Design was a short-lived Polish company that used to rebox Academy kits in the first half of the 90s. My whole Design collection is purely sentimental😉
Nevertheless these were first really good kits available here after the Berlin Wall fell. The original Academy kits were rare and expensive, but for the half of the price you could get a Design rebox in many shops 🙂 And they included Polish decals where they could (e.g MiG-23). These btw. were one of the first Techmod attempts to supply the model kit boxings.
7 February 2021, 16:11

If Design was an Academy reboxing, maybe you can edit it for link to Academy in time line😉
7 February 2021, 18:15

I did, long time ago, somehow it's displayed differently now 🙁 But still linked in the "Edit" mode. A bug?
7 February 2021, 18:23

Looking great! I got home earlier and managed to get started. I'll post some pics soon.
15 February 2021, 16:21

Not bad, but I'm not pimping it😉
And I already see attaching it in the gear bay may be challenging...
27 February 2021, 21:20

Great progress 👍. Yes, that landing gear is tricky. Someone at Grumman had a penchant for overengineering things 😄. You can probably start and finish another one by the time I get this far...
28 February 2021, 01:45

Thanks, the landing gear is tricky indeed, the arrestor hook is missing too 🙂
The colour demarcation line was masked, my H&S Ultra is not precise enough to do such things. I have to buy another new nozzle, they are made of some soft material and are not tight enough after few months. I'm gonna get a new Mr.Hobby airbrush later this month, so maybe then 🙂
7 March 2021, 14:14

Very nice work so far Łukasz! Althoigh an old kit it looks pretty good after the paintwork.
7 March 2021, 18:12

I can't freehand airbrush either. One skill I would love to master. Curious at the Mr.Hobby airbrush.
Not sure if you read my PM but my invite was bounced, so let me know if you still need external fuel tank info.
7 March 2021, 18:13

Would like to hear your say - don't you think the original roundels are way too bright?
Pic #18 shows the modern Techmod set.
10 March 2021, 19:58

Hi Lukasz I don't think it's the brightness I think they're the wrong blue. Admittedly with my limited experience, I would have thought the darker Techmod ones were better?
10 March 2021, 21:28

I hate to agree as well. Looking at the pics I have, the blue is a rather dark blue, almost inky.
11 March 2021, 16:13

Thanks mates. I'm currently finishing the washing and adding the other stuff, like the undercarriage, pitot, prop etc.
25 March 2021, 08:48

Almost there, rigged the bugger today (it went surprisingly fast this time!), added the position lights, gauzy agent is drying as I write this (visible on the last pic).
As oftentimes there were some white flocks in the cockpit after drilling some holes, so I flushed the fuselage with some water 😄
Now I need to wait till it dries, so I can seal the side windows and call it finished 🙂
27 March 2021, 21:12

Finished! Just during the photosession I found out I touched the kit with some solvent just behind the left wing trailing edge and had to overspray it a bit. 😮
Hope you like the pics anyway.
28 March 2021, 09:46

I swear I have seen these plates somewhere already 😄
Nice job👍
28 March 2021, 10:13

Thank you mates. Glad you like it. 🙂
However I have a feeling the white balance on my camera is bit too bright, don't you think?
@Alex: they are as great as your snow, aren't they? 😛
28 March 2021, 14:03

Thanks Greg & Alec, I think you both know what this kit is like 😄
28 March 2021, 16:03

Very good result Lukasz..👍
And very vool presentation... That background reminds me of something ..i should have done a long time ago🙂
28 March 2021, 18:46

Thank you gents. Glad you like my pics, though I have to fix the white balance being too blueish.
28 May 2021, 12:28