Tank refuelling
112 22 March 2021, 11:09

WOW! Remarkable work Neuling! The work that you've put into painting the camo uniforms is mind blowing!
22 March 2021, 16:04

Looking at this on my phone I thought the first picture was your inspiration foto for your build 😄 Great job!
22 March 2021, 17:13

Superb work again Neuling. The first pic looks so real! What is the man kneeling down doing? Preparing for a nap (I guess not)?
22 March 2021, 17:41

Outstanding Dio Neuling. Your detail and attention to detail is awesome. 🙂
22 March 2021, 19:15

A dio plate so small the 2 vehicles hardly fit on it without overlap, yet besides pic 2, not a single photo betrays it´s not all taken from the middle of the action and often from very realistic angles and positions a person could take photos in real life... - have you actually shrunk your camera? 🙂
Great work, vehicles, crews, composition & all - with such works in such numbers, you could publish your own diorama build- & photo-techniques book! 👍
22 March 2021, 19:53

@ Slavo, Neuling is pretending to build kits in 1/35th but he is pulling our leg. They are 1/4th in reality...
22 March 2021, 20:52

Thank you mates! You make me blush ....... Jean-Michel, the guy kneeling on the tank is preparing the fuel tank nozzle (or pretending to, while dozing off ......). - Slavo, you are very kind, but everything I try out here is copied of and inspired by other modellers and photographers, so it would not make sense to add another publication or explanation. - Olivier, I don´t even know whether there are 1/4 scale kits .....
23 March 2021, 12:17

Thank you Igor and James! - James, I followed your hint (in your hemtt album) and used after market tires! The profile of the kit´s tires was much to flat.
24 March 2021, 11:04

Another beauty. Great weathering. Really Nice uniform camo painting and track Imprint 👍
24 March 2021, 20:38

Cool to hear Neuling. I think the other major issue with the kit wheels was the lack of a "weighted" flat bottom look to them. Again, stunning looking builds and pictures mate 👍
25 March 2021, 17:55

Good day! I very rarely see photos of models or dioramas that look like real tanks, trucks and other cars. In the photographs of the author, everything looks very realistic - like a real tank and truck. Great job with models. Great job with the whole thing. I will repeat my words again. Just wonderful!
26 March 2021, 06:00

Thank you again, James and Igor! It´s very motivating to get approval of top modellers from all over the world.
27 March 2021, 12:07

By looking at it, one can almost feel the weight of that mighty M60 resting on the sand ( and smell the oil too ) . Once again a truly realistic scene off your bench 👍
27 March 2021, 15:15

Stunning work mate👍. The first picture caught me, looks like a pic from a 80´s exercise.
12 April 2021, 07:07

Thank you Phil and Daniel! Daniel, indeed I had Reforger 88 in mind.
13 April 2021, 07:19

Wahnsinn! Wieder mal ein kleines Meisterwerk. Die woodland-camo Uniformen sind großes Kino. Ich bin da früher immer regelmäßig dran verzweifelt...
22 April 2021, 20:42

Very very nice, Neuling. Solst deine name ändern in Veteran ?. Very good use of light with the making the photos. Klasse!
22 April 2021, 20:55

The weathering is incredible - I can't get past the tyres, how realistic they look. correct me if I'm wrong, but is this 1st Battalion, 3rd Brigade / 1st Armoured Div? I'm going off of the ID marking on the fuel truck....
22 April 2021, 21:36

Thank you mates! - Tini, I´m a veteran indeed (in modelling), but I´m a beginner in photographing dios and scalemating. - Tom you are right: First Armored Division, Third Brigade, HQ 66th vehicle. This division was stationing in Germany in the 70ies and 80ies.
23 April 2021, 13:27

Thanks, Neuling, for verifying - I'm not that fluent on AFV unit identification so it was something of an educated guess They were stationed at Baumholder in the '00s when I was based at Ramstein. I remember they played a major role in the ReForGer exercises.
24 April 2021, 21:15

Tom, I did my last training at the Artillerieschule Idar-Oberstein and at Baumholder in 2007, have never been to Ramstein. Listening sometimes to Rammstein though ......
25 April 2021, 08:38

Outstanding! Great models, great diorama, great lighting and superb photos!
26 April 2021, 09:55

What are the unit markings on the tank? I was in Baumholder when we reflagged from 8ID to 1AD. Still miss the Spiessbraten.
2 May 2021, 03:18

Tini, Wurst und Kölsch hatten wir, lecker Mädche gab es zu meiner aktiven Dienstzeit bei der Bundeswehr noch nicht (nur im Sanitätsdienst und in der Verwaltung). 👍
3 May 2021, 09:03

It's so good, I'm surprised that the figures aren't being recognised as known individuals 🙂 Superb as always, and concur re the realism of the rubber tyres. Spot on, where-ever my eyes take me. The deep track impressions really emphasise the weight of the tank 🙂
22 November 2021, 13:27

Wow Neuling, I had to double take as the cover picture honestly looks like a picture of the real thing!
22 November 2021, 13:41

Thank you Chan Li, Bruce and Augie for watching my stuff so closely!
23 November 2021, 09:31

Not gonna lie, for the first picture I thought it was a reference photo of a real tank. Very nice work, both in the model and the photoshooting.
23 November 2021, 09:50

Excellent work Neuling!, as usual. Love the work on the tyres....they look so real. Congrats!
23 November 2021, 13:41

damned 😱
at the beginning I said to myself
"but why is he posting the réal pictures ???"
it's just amazing
Like always.
well done.🤩
23 November 2021, 14:03

How could I miss this one???
Not bad at all! In fact it is fantastic once again!
23 November 2021, 14:05

Thank you mates, much appreciated! Morale boosting indeed .......
24 November 2021, 10:53

Thanks MS K! - When I started taking pictures of my builds I was surprised at how strongly a natural setting is enhancing the realistic appearance of a model.
8 December 2021, 08:57

Great models and pics ! At first, I thought they were real photos 🙂
25 January 2022, 17:06